Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hiney Button

Well, I have lots to blog about, but just not much time to do it. SOO, I'll leave you with a 'funny' from V.

Kyle got home Sunday night. Yipee! He got in around 10 p. I got the kids up and they played for a few minutes...and then went back to bed.

Fast forward to Monday night...Kyle's giving the kids a bath. I'm in V's room (close to the bathroom) putting clothes away, and I hear him exclaim, "No Viv! Don't touch that!". Since Kyle rarely raises his voice, I ran in to see what was going on.  Sure enough, Bryton was playing with his 'tally-whacker' (the Evans family knows what that means...the rest of y'all can make an educated guess). He was poking it...in, out, in, out... So, seeing this, what does V decide to do? The same that B was doing...but as soon as she reached for it, Kyle stopped her. After he did, V said, "Daddy, I just wanted to push his hiney button." LOL! What an appropriate phrase. I took that opportunity to give her the correct term and tell her that B can touch his, and she can touch hers, but nobody ever touches anyone elses. She seemed satisfied with that response.

I'll try to blog more later!