Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Why Start Now?

Well, I thoroughly enjoy reading blogs. I have several that I keep up with on a weekly basis, but have always felt that our lives just didn't have that much to talk about that others would be interested in reading. So, I had never created a blog. But, after thinking about it and having several requests from others about starting one, I thought I would give it a try. You'll have to excuse any typos (I'll be using a laptop for entries, mainly and I have a harder time typing on those that regular keyboards) and grammatical errors; it has been years since I've worked in an environment where my sentence structure and colon use have been important. As I sit here now, I have an angelic little girl sitting to my right. She's singing her alphabet (also the Twinkle Little Star song) and eating an after nap snack of raisins right now, but pushing the 'keep your seat in the seat' rule. Many of you know that coordination has never been my strong suit, and I'm afraid that I might have passed some of that on to Vivi. So, since she's proven to be a little clumsy at times, we try to keep the 'keep your seat in the seat rule' enforced, especially from high chairs (not high-chairs).

Well, what else to write about? It's been a long few days. The three (four) of us got some kind of cold related illness right before driving to Birmingham, AL for the Christmas holidays. Then two almost 12 hour car trips (in the midst of sickness; hoping that the tissues don't run out) in the past week. Also, our illness just wiped us out, which detracted from our family time once in AL. AND, due to illness, we weren't even able to see half of the family. While shopping at the BabySaurus Store (aka Babies R Us) - there isn't one anywhere near us in NC - a kind older gentlemen pointed out a gash in one of our tires. So, new tires were purchase for the car. Granted, they needed replacement, but just another thing that we weren't expecting during our 5 days in AL. Also, we didn't get to see our newest niece! She got to come home after several puzzling days in the hospital, just in time for Christmas - the perfect 2008 gift! Even though we couldn't see her, we were so glad to hear that she was able to come home. Well, the trip was good, just tiring, especially since we (I) were sick and pregnant. The night we returned, Vivi pooped on the floor and then stepped in it and tracked it all over the bathroom. Now those that have potty trained a toddler in the past are probably thinking "what's the big deal - accidents happen" but here's what happened. I was unpacking our bathroom items with Vivi in the bathroom 'helping.' She said "Mama, go poo-poo potty." So, I put her on the potty. She sat there for a minute or so, and then hopped off before pooping on the floor. And then came over to me to tell me that there was poop all down her leg and on her socks...and three bathroom rugs... Anyway, into the bathtub she went and stayed there until we were ready to put her to bed. That was Sunday.

Yesterday was a bad day. It's hard to describe, but if any of you have heard any of the news reports about Eastern North Carolina, they are true. It was a heartbreaking day. Your heart just aches. I cried and held Vivi for no reason at all (probably confused her a little). You begin to thank God for allowing your husband to still be here and wonder what it would be like without him to take care of you in the times when you need it the most. You get angry at his profession, knowing full well the risks that came along when you committed to him, but angry that the right man comes along with that. Through the course of the day, you realize he's done everything possible to protect you from the news; making it that much harder that he's such a good man and could have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Also appreciating the hard work that he puts in and knowing how life affirming it must have been for him as well.

Anyway, Vivi and I have kind of walked around in a daze all day. We've tried to stay busy, just to occupy ourselves to avoid thinking about the reality. By doing so, we've spent more money than the checkbook holds; tomorrow is payday though. We got some items for baby brother and started getting his room set up. We're still counting the weeks, and aren't too far away from 30, which I kind of see as the point where if my body were to 'terminate the pregnancy early' (like last time) then baby boy still has a pretty good chance of making it successfully.

This afternoon, I finally downloaded pictures from Christmas. I didn't take many at all b/c I just didn't feel well and didn't have energy to be in 'mom photography' mode. I just clicked the button a couple of times. I'll put the pictures on our picture site tonight - I tried this afternoon, but the server was down for maintenance.

Until next post....



  1. Yay, a Buchina blog! :-) Maybe you can be more consistent with yours than I am with mine!

  2. Hey sweet Leanna. I'm glad you've entered the blog world, but I'm sad that this post kind of made me sad! But that's the beauty of it - share your pain with me to make it easier! I don't know what happened in eastern NC, but I'm sorry that it was so upsetting.
    Love you, and wish I could have seen you in Bham.
