Friday, January 23, 2009

Retail Therapy

Well, probably half (the male half) of the population will disagree with me on this, maybe even more, but I'm posting today to prove my case that retail shopping (not even necessarily buying anything) is in fact therapy. I was able to enjoy 2 hours of this much needed therapy today and feel revived. Here's why:

Well, if you've seen our photo site, we started our week celebrating Kyle's 30th birthday. We went to Pump It Up, an indoor inflatable bouncy gym. We had a great time and were exhausted at the end of our hour and twenty minutes there. Good 'party' for him. The next day, the weather called for SNOW! We celebrated Tuesday of this week with 2-3 inches of snow! Being near the coast in NC, this area doesn't see snow often, so pretty much everything shuts down with the threat of the white precipitation. So, everything was shut down, Kyle didn't have to work Tuesday, so I thought it would be a good time to start potty training Vivi (again) with my new information. It went okay. Also, we went outside and played in the snow! What fun! We don't have too much cold weather gear, so we weren't able to stay out too long. But none the less, it was very exciting to see big white snowflakes falling. Vivi had a great time watching it all and playing out in it; until she realized she was co-co-cold!

Anyway, Kyle went back at work on Wednesday (drove 10 miles on black ice to get there...safely though) and Vivi and I trudged on through the potty routine; still having accidents, but still doing okay. By this time, we've been in the house for 2 days and were starting to get some cabin fever. But, wanting to promote the potty-ing (not to mention Kyle not wanting us to go anywhere b/c of the bad road conditions), we stayed put yet another day. So Thursday comes and goes and our 2.5 year old attitude combined with potty accidents and cabin fever was really getting to us. Vivi's been pretty good at listening and obeying most of the time. I've never felt like if she was running towards the street full of fast cars and I told her to "Stop!" that she wouldn't. So danger-wise, I felt like we were okay. But, the past month or so she's been pushing things further and further. SO, the stress of her not listening (not necessarily for the naughty factor, but for the safety factor) has really been an issue that has come to a head with the compoundedness of cabin fever and potty training (maybe some pregnancy hormones,'ll have to ask Kyle about that one though...he came home yesterday to find all the 'junk' on top of his chest of drawers - 2 toboggans, random receipts, old alarm clock that was not in use, spare socks, Ipod Home accessories, etc - that had been compiled for months shoved in his sock drawer. I didn't care that that's not where the 'junk' went, I was just in a mood and tired of looking at it. Problem solved, right?). Well, Thursday night was an interesting one. We went to Quiznos for dinner (I guess I did leave the house this week after all) after Kyle got home. It was worth it (at the time). I got a grilled chicken salad, Kyle got a club sandwich, and Vivi ate some of our food and a bag of Cheetos - and I didn't care one bit that that was her dinner. Again, it had been a long week. So, we got home, praised Vivi for having dry pants while we were out, put her to bed, and settled in to watch The Office, a comedy on NBC that we thoroughly enjoy. Again, great evening during a stressful week.

Sitting on the couch watching our show, I started having some upper stomach pain. It didn't really concern me until I noticed that the pain was coming in waves every 3 minutes, lasting for about 30-60 seconds each time. I didn't want to concern Kyle (he was doing work stuff at home), I started looking up 'preterm labor' info online, with no definitive info found. But over the next hour as the pain got more intense, I decided to call the doctor (and tell Kyle). Now maybe I'm the only woman who doesn't know 'labor pains' or uterine contractions from normal old stomach pain. But, having a history of IBS and a somewhat easily irritated digestive system, I think I've felt every pain in that region that could felt. So, again, I didn't know what was happening, just knew I was in pain and it was getting worse. Anyway, the doctor called back; I described my symptoms and he said that I needed to take some Tylenol and a warm bath. He didn't think that I was contracting at all. That was good. But come on, Tylenol isn't going to cut it. Oh well - can't take anything else. Well, I took the Tylenol, but no bath. It was almost 11:30 at this point. I went to bed and tried going to sleep, with no avail. I got up an hour later, threw up a couple of times, and then slept all night. Felt great this morning. I guess it was something I ate. Still a little scary though. I'm only 29 weeks, it's the middle of the night, think I'm having contractions every 3 minutes, and the hospital and NICU is over an hour away, with Doogie Howser on call.

Well, today, Friday, we had a good morning, played, read, cleaned, did laundry, pottied, etc...and around noon I knew that we still had some time before I could put her down for a nap. So what did I do? I took her to Playdate, an hourly drop off child care play center. I really wanted to get out of the house, (haven't left since Tuesday), shop (for nothing in particular) and wanted a break from the constant attention that is needed during the first part of the potty training process. So, I took her to the experts at Playdate. I dropped her off and headed to JCPenneys where I found some things on clearance. I got a couple of maternity tops (I know, I know, it's a little late in the game to buy maternity clothes) and some hospital pajamas. I felt very revived at this point. Most moms, especially full time stay at home moms, can probably understand the beauty of 2 hours in alone in a store with no real 'list' of things to look for and no little 'helper' by your side. It was great. After that, I went to Target (the other store in New Bern..not a lot to choose from). Target just got their spring clothes in, so their winter items were on big time clearance. Not just 50% off...but big time! (and their clothes are pretty inexpensive to start with, if you can find things you like). So, I left Target with 3 plain ol' navy sweaters (thick zip up sweaters) in 3 sizes (for little bit. They were 2.98 each,and will be perfect for layering!!! How could you not get one for the next couple of seasons!), 2 striped sweaters for Vivi, a couple of shirts and jeans for little bit (size 3T), some Clorox 2, another set of pajamas for me (I remember living in lounge clothes for a week or two or three after V was born) and some Valentines Day items for Vivi (located in the dollar spot). Oh - and I got myself a treat today - goldfish pretzel crackers and diet dr. pepper for lunch - nothing better! So, I felt a huge sense of relief, accomplishment, and renewal as I was driving from Target to Playdate to pick up Vivi. This feeling of accomplishment was heightened by the fact that Vivi had dry pants when I picked her up. Big girl! She tee-teed as soon as we got home, and thus got 5 of her 'pink treats'. The 'pink treats' are really Yogos - small round sweet bits of something, not sure what really. Anyway, while I was putting my treasures from Target and Pennys away, I saw Vivi putting her Yogos in the 'gas cap' of her little red play car. Too funny! Well, we read a story and she went down for a nap. And, I'm writing this blog trying to convince everyone that today, I was emotionally healed and revived from some Retail Therapy. With all the 'therapies' that are available through health insurance companies, maybe we can try to push this one through? It really worked.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Coming Along

Well, another few days have gone by, and I don't really have anything exciting to say. Vivi has used either really good or really challenging behavior. One minute she'll be so sweet, helpful, and grown up, but later that day she'll forget the 'rules' and act like..well..a two year old. She started eating a new cereal this week - Kix! I loved that cereal as a child, and she does too. She calls it "Chix" though...too funny. Her love of peanut butter on raisin bread sandwiches has gone from a love of eating to a love of finger painting the counter with the peanut butter. She hasn't had much of an appetite for the past 5 days or so, so mealtimes for her require more supervision than normal (so that she doesn't play with her food). Oh well. Her appetite will pick up again soon.

I had a doctor appointment today. They did an ultrasound to get an estimated fetal size. They measure the baby's head circumference, femur and humerus bones, and belly circumference to get an estimate size. He's estimated to be around 3 and half pounds now, and the measurements indicate that he's pretty big - 95th percentile for other babies at this gestational age. They aren't concerned though (Kyle and I are larger than the average person, plus, even with very well controlled diabetes, I'm still likely to have a larger baby due to blood sugar spikes - the excess sugar crosses into the placenta and sugar makes things grow) but the doctor I saw today said that they wouldn't take action (by induction or c-section) until the baby was 11-12 pounds. I didn't tell her a couple of things when she told me that. I didn't tell her that I was going to Birmingham to have the baby; and that there was no way I was going to birth a 6 month old. She's new to this (I see one of about 18 residents at each appointment), so I let it slide. I'll just see my pals at Brookwood Medical Center in a few weeks. During the ultrasound they also did a Doppler to check the arteries that feed the placenta. There are things they look for in the Doppler wave that can indicate upcoming blood pressure problems, and we got the all clear. Whew! I was glad to hear that he's growing well. The doctors are too - they say everything looks great. So, 28 weeks down and a few left. Anyone want to take guesses as to baby's birthday? Dr. R. in Birmingham said that 37-38 weeks would be all he'll let me go, even if everything is fine. I might be able to talk him into 35-36 depending on how big I feel that monster truck baby is getting. Oh yeah - that's my new name for him - monster truck - because he's so big and bulky feeling. Don't worry, we'll have something better picked out by the time he's born. Hopefully.

On another baby note, it's so much harder finding cute baby boy clothes than it was finding baby girl clothes. Maybe it's because there are only 3 stores in New Bern that have child sized clothes, or maybe my tastes have changed. Maybe I'm too picky. I think that when I had Vivi I knew that everyone would know that she was a sweet little girl, so she didn't necessarily have to have 'sweet baby girl clothes' - I just let her smile do all the talking. But with a baby boy, I want to dress him more on the sweet side than the 'scary' side. I mean, have you noticed that they have tiny baby boy clothes with dinosaurs roaring on them? I'm going to opt for the sweeter stuff; at least for now. So, clothes shopping has been challenging. But, I've found some things so far. Plus, I'm probably not going to take him out and about until he's at least 4-6 weeks old, maybe longer depending on if he comes early and needs special NICU treatment, etc. So, most of his beginning clothes will be for at home use primarily. Plus, if he's born on the larger side, he won't need 'newborn' sized clothes, and won't use the 0-3 month ones for long. We'll just have to see.
SO, here are some of the things that I've either purchased or received as gifts as well as some pictures of the baby preparation that we've done in his room. There are picture captions on our picture site - We've gotten some Auburn and Navy game watching outfits for football season, all as gifts from football enthusiast friends/family. All of the other items are 0-3 month or 3-6 month sizes.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Last Week's Events

Well, it's been a few days since the last post; not because I haven't had anything to write about, but mainly b/c I haven't had the time or energy to get it done. So, today's post will be a compilation of several things.

There was a memorial service for the pilot killed in last week's tragedy. As the wife and soul mate of a marine, and pilot, the word "difficult" doesn't describe the stoic wealth of emotions that were present during the service, filling our hearts, souls, eyes, and minds. It's a very inspiring to enter a room filled with marines, all in uniform, on any occasion. It brings to a head what these men and women are about; their character, commitment to discipline, willingness of sacrifice. Being married to a marine, its easy to 'forget' that the marine corps is somewhat of a unique job. Lots of people have a dress code for work; lots of people have to move because of employment. Lots of people work too long of hours for not enough pay. But entering a room with dedicated marines just humbles you, realizing that even though you may complain about the health care provided by your husband's job, or the hours that he works, or the fact that you are going into church yourself...again...that it's because of these very people that you have the freedom to enjoy picking a doctor; a profession; and most of all, a religion. The service was moving, and almost too emotional to handle. For those of you that are familiar with the recent Carrie Underwood song, Just a Dream , the service brought to reality several lines of the song. It references the 'trumpets of the military band' - the sadness and emotion coming out of the instruments of the marine corps brass ensemble was...well, indescribable. The guns ringing their 'one last shot' was stoically horrific. But the roll call was the point where many, including myself, lost what little composure was left. I don't want to go into detail about what all the roll call entailed, but I was not prepared for how heartbreaking that moment would be. We wish it was Just a Dream; our prayers go out to the grieving family and to the men and women who are in harms way for our freedom to choose where we live, work, and worship.

On a brighter note:
I had a doctor appointment yesterday, including an ultrasound. Everything was good...the baby's heart measured to be in the 95%, meaning that his heart is bigger than 95/100 other babies for his gestational age. The doctor said that it was symmetry, not necessarily size, that they looked for and saw that even though it was big, it was symmetric. Meaning that I probably just have a big baby. Thanks Kyle. Not scary at all. I'll go in next week for another doctor appointment and ultrasound. During next week's ultrasound they will look at the artery that supplies the placenta. Depending on what it looks like, they can tell if I will develop blood pressure issues again. However, I am 27 weeks now, right where I was last time when those problems started. But, my blood pressure was 122/70 yesterday, so they were pleased with that. The reading was a little surprising considering it was two and a half hours passed my appointment time when they were taking it, and there were no seats in the waiting room. Isn't that enough to make anyone's blood pressure rise a little bit? Also, during the ultrasound (gel on the stomach, pic of the baby's heart on the screen, etc) the fire alarm in the hospital went off. The pediatric cardiologist who was analyzing the heart measurments at the time said that we could stay put b/c they usually don't make the doctors leave during a drill. After a couple of minutes, someone came in and told him that it wasn't a drill and that we needed to leave. But, by then he had gotten all the measurments he needed, so we retreated into the wind outside until the event was over. After the appointment, Kyle and I grabbed lunch and headed back to New Bern.

Other than that, I've been working on Kyle's birthday party! He's turning 30 soon. We are going to have a small party at Pump It Up, which is an indoor kids bouncy gym. What could be better? ( for details about what Pump It Up is). We told Vivi that Daddy's birthday was soon and she said "Let's have a birthday party - it will be so fun!" She's right.
She had a good evening with Daddy last night (Wednesday). I'm taking a photography class with a friend, so on those nights, Kyle has Vivi. Last night during my class, Kyle took her to Chick-Fil-A for dinner, let her play in the playplace there, and then took her for dessert - at Outback. They got the chocolate thunder from down under. Then they came home and he put her to bed - after 9, which is very much past her bedtime, especially on nights where she has preschool the next day. (preschool is Tues and Thurs) That was a big night for her - having Daddy all evening at her favorite places, eating her favorite foods. I asked Kyle if that was his way of encouraging me to not take any more classes...but he said that they just needed a fun night. I'm glad he has such a good time with her.

We are looking forward to watching the big game tonight, if we can stay awake! No promises though.

Be sure to check our picture site for updated pictures, posted regularly.

Until next post...


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ringing in the New Year...Keeping Busy!

Well, needless to say, Kyle's been working a whole lot this week, and it looks like his schedule won't get any easier anytime soon. So, that's caused my excuses for not doing stuff around the house (waiting for muscle man to help) to dissipate, and know that I just have to roll up my sleeves and get stuff done. Today while Vivi napped, I cleaned out the baby's closet. When we moved to NC (in September), we put Vivi in our guest room furniture, and designated the other bedroom as the baby's room. We had the movers put 'baby' items in the baby's room, and Vivi's items in her room. Today, it was just time to clean out the 'baby' items that had found their way into the baby's closet. Plus, we know we are having a boy, so as much as it pains me to put away the pink and purple bedding, I figured it was time. We try to be economical, but I just couldn't put our baby boy in Vivi's old bedding, as precious as it is. We might use some of her bright pink bath towels and burp cloths for him though...there's no harm in that, right? Well, as I'm not quite ready to get rid of Vivi's old clothes, I do have them sorted by sizes and put in the attic. Today, those clothes were joined by bright pink baby blankets, purple flowered bedding, and small little baby doll rattles. Her bedding will find it's way to Ebay one day as will her clothes, I'm just not ready to give them up just yet. Now, in the baby's room, I have the swing set up, the pack and play (and all of its components) in the closet, the bath tub assembled and ready to use, the Baby Bjorn and sling stacked neatly and ready to use, and the boppy all accounted for.

Other news for the, potty training has fallen by the wayside. Vivi started off great (I thought) but never really caught on to the part where she told us when she had to go; she would just go when we put her on the potty. I figured that I could use some pointers, so we went to the bookstore. I got a couple of potty training books, and they had some really helpful hints and pointed out some things that I might have been doing wrong, or at least things that weren't helping her make the decision to go on her own. So, we are starting fresh in a few days with high hopes. The advice from the books gave me an excuse to go to Target today. Vivi is now going to potty train a doll - actually, it's Cheer Bear, from the Care Bear family. She is going to give Cheer Bear a treat when she's dry, and let her sit on the potty. Now, I just have to figure out how to make a pair of Vivi's panties fit this thing. I haven't gotten my sewing machine out since we moved, but it might come out tonight so I can alter a pair of panties. Cheer Bear only gets one pair - she better keep them dry and clean. Vivi also got some training pants (really thick underpants)- the washable ones, not the disposable kind. The disposables are easier on moms, but the panties and washable ones are more effective. SO, Vivi got some pretty pink ones that I'm hoping she can pull up and down herself. She never could get her panties or pull ups up and down without help, which could have been a hindrance. While I was at Target (with half of New Bern) I got baby boy some boy colored burp cloths that were on clearance, some "dry panty" treats for Vivi and Cheer Bear (consisting of Yogos - yogurt covered fruit bits - and Froot Loops), and some fabric softener. So fun!

The dog has been kind of annoying today - when I let her out to go potty this morning, she went into the neighbor's yard (our yard is not fenced, but most of our neighbor's yard is) and found a piece of something to eat..from far away, it looked like bread, but I can't be sure. She didn't throw it up, so I guess it was safe. Well, ever since she found this treasure in the neighbor's yard, she's been asking to go out every 30 minutes, no doubt on another treasure hunt. It's 20 degrees outside today, and I'm not going to chase her around trying to get her to come in. Anyway, maybe she'll forget the treasure and return to normal tomorrow.

Vivi has a new phrase. It's "Don't worry about it's okay." I'm not sure where she got this from, but she's said it about a dozen times today...all in appropriate situations, too. We went to get a sandwich from Schlotzsky's (sp??) today, and in trying to prevent her lemonade from spilling, I asked her to hold it close to her lap instead of on the table so she didn't have to hold the cup at such an angle, and thus help prevent spillage. She replied, "Don't worry about it's okay." Too funny.

Anyway, I'll take pictures of baby boy's bedroom soon. We found some bedding while in AL that we liked. It's nautical themed and has all the colors in it that I wanted for his room. I don't care too much about the theme as I do the colors. So, it has ecru, baby blue, navy blue, pastel green, and chocolate brown colors to it. The furniture was espresso in finish, so it looks nice, and gives me options for having other colors to bring in. Pictures will come soon.

Well, I hope everyone has a Happy New Year! 2009, whew!