Thursday, January 8, 2009

Last Week's Events

Well, it's been a few days since the last post; not because I haven't had anything to write about, but mainly b/c I haven't had the time or energy to get it done. So, today's post will be a compilation of several things.

There was a memorial service for the pilot killed in last week's tragedy. As the wife and soul mate of a marine, and pilot, the word "difficult" doesn't describe the stoic wealth of emotions that were present during the service, filling our hearts, souls, eyes, and minds. It's a very inspiring to enter a room filled with marines, all in uniform, on any occasion. It brings to a head what these men and women are about; their character, commitment to discipline, willingness of sacrifice. Being married to a marine, its easy to 'forget' that the marine corps is somewhat of a unique job. Lots of people have a dress code for work; lots of people have to move because of employment. Lots of people work too long of hours for not enough pay. But entering a room with dedicated marines just humbles you, realizing that even though you may complain about the health care provided by your husband's job, or the hours that he works, or the fact that you are going into church yourself...again...that it's because of these very people that you have the freedom to enjoy picking a doctor; a profession; and most of all, a religion. The service was moving, and almost too emotional to handle. For those of you that are familiar with the recent Carrie Underwood song, Just a Dream , the service brought to reality several lines of the song. It references the 'trumpets of the military band' - the sadness and emotion coming out of the instruments of the marine corps brass ensemble was...well, indescribable. The guns ringing their 'one last shot' was stoically horrific. But the roll call was the point where many, including myself, lost what little composure was left. I don't want to go into detail about what all the roll call entailed, but I was not prepared for how heartbreaking that moment would be. We wish it was Just a Dream; our prayers go out to the grieving family and to the men and women who are in harms way for our freedom to choose where we live, work, and worship.

On a brighter note:
I had a doctor appointment yesterday, including an ultrasound. Everything was good...the baby's heart measured to be in the 95%, meaning that his heart is bigger than 95/100 other babies for his gestational age. The doctor said that it was symmetry, not necessarily size, that they looked for and saw that even though it was big, it was symmetric. Meaning that I probably just have a big baby. Thanks Kyle. Not scary at all. I'll go in next week for another doctor appointment and ultrasound. During next week's ultrasound they will look at the artery that supplies the placenta. Depending on what it looks like, they can tell if I will develop blood pressure issues again. However, I am 27 weeks now, right where I was last time when those problems started. But, my blood pressure was 122/70 yesterday, so they were pleased with that. The reading was a little surprising considering it was two and a half hours passed my appointment time when they were taking it, and there were no seats in the waiting room. Isn't that enough to make anyone's blood pressure rise a little bit? Also, during the ultrasound (gel on the stomach, pic of the baby's heart on the screen, etc) the fire alarm in the hospital went off. The pediatric cardiologist who was analyzing the heart measurments at the time said that we could stay put b/c they usually don't make the doctors leave during a drill. After a couple of minutes, someone came in and told him that it wasn't a drill and that we needed to leave. But, by then he had gotten all the measurments he needed, so we retreated into the wind outside until the event was over. After the appointment, Kyle and I grabbed lunch and headed back to New Bern.

Other than that, I've been working on Kyle's birthday party! He's turning 30 soon. We are going to have a small party at Pump It Up, which is an indoor kids bouncy gym. What could be better? ( for details about what Pump It Up is). We told Vivi that Daddy's birthday was soon and she said "Let's have a birthday party - it will be so fun!" She's right.
She had a good evening with Daddy last night (Wednesday). I'm taking a photography class with a friend, so on those nights, Kyle has Vivi. Last night during my class, Kyle took her to Chick-Fil-A for dinner, let her play in the playplace there, and then took her for dessert - at Outback. They got the chocolate thunder from down under. Then they came home and he put her to bed - after 9, which is very much past her bedtime, especially on nights where she has preschool the next day. (preschool is Tues and Thurs) That was a big night for her - having Daddy all evening at her favorite places, eating her favorite foods. I asked Kyle if that was his way of encouraging me to not take any more classes...but he said that they just needed a fun night. I'm glad he has such a good time with her.

We are looking forward to watching the big game tonight, if we can stay awake! No promises though.

Be sure to check our picture site for updated pictures, posted regularly.

Until next post...


1 comment:

  1. I cannot imagine how emotional the memorial service was, my heart just drops thinking about it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.

    Another two hours waiting for your appointment, huh? You really should just show up late next time...two hours late!!

    When you are done with your class, you'll have to teach me everything you know ;)

    Go Gators!! -- Amy
