Monday, January 25, 2010


Well, a lot has happened since I blogged last, but I just have time for a quick story.

Every month at preschool, Viv's teachers designate a day for birthdays and show and tell. One day each month, the class celebrates the birthdays for the month and then all the kids are invited to participate in show and tell. We get a monthly newsletter that says when this day is going to be. Until recently, I could pretty much stay on top of V's school calendar without having to write anything down. Not anymore.

As this month's show and tell date is approaching, it reminded me of what happened at last month's show and tell time. Vivi takes a backpack with her to school, as do all the kids. Hers is pink with white polka dots and green trim with her name embroidered on it. Pretty cute. Her bag lives in the car - we hardly ever bring it in the house. This bag is where the teachers look for the treasures that the kids have brought in for show and tell. So, in December, I completely forgot about show and tell until after I had dropped her off for school. No big deal though, I figured they would ask her what she had brought, and she would say, "nothing" and they would move on to the next kid in her class. Well, apparently her teacher asked her if she brought something for show and tell and she said YES. So, she gets her bag and unzips it and shows all the kids in her class the spare panties, shirt, and pants that live in her bag (in case of an accident). Her teachers must have gotten a big kick out of this. Anyway, I learned of this when I went to pick her up and Vivi says with a big smile "Mama...I brought panties for show and tell!!"

Anyway, just so that you all are reassured, this month's show and tell time is Jan 27 and is marked on my calendar. No panties this month.

Other news? Well, in a nutshell, Kyle turned 31, Bryton has been crawling for about 3 weeks, and is now holding your fingers while he takes steps, he also has two lower center teeth, our friends Willard and Carol Davis came to visit for the weekend, and my photography business has had several requests for the upcoming months. Oh - and I'm starting to get B a 1st birthday party put together! And, I was talked into doing a Pampered Chef catalog show - I love the products, but couldn't agree to hosting one at the house...but figured I'd help the rep out and host a catalog show. So, let me know if you need anything - if you don't live in New Bern, I'll have it shipped directly to your house.

Also, Vivi's magazine will come out Feb 1. I've requested bunches of copies, so just let me know if you want one. And, our neighborhood has a monthly publication and they are going to do a story about my photography business in the next issue! I'll save a few of those as well. The only bad part is that they want to photograph me for the article...but I want them to use a pic I take (seems only right) and I want it to be of me and my camera...anyone see the dilemma? Oh well - I'll just set up the scene and let them take it with their camera, I guess.

Hope everyone is doing well - I'll try to blog more later.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cold Sweat

So, had an awful dream last night. Woke up very frightened. This is why....

{Following paragraphs is not part of the dream}
Let's go back to May of 2001. Kyle was graduating from USNA. I spent a week or so in Annapolis celebrating this time with him - there were lots of formal parties to attend, fun things to do, etc. It's a great week in Annapolis. Anyway, Kyle's whole family was there celebrating (total count of um...around 15 I guess), hosted by the Davises, the wonderful local Annapolis family who signed up to host a midshipman during his time at the academy - you know, a home-away-from-home situation. On graduation eve, several of us stayed at Kyle's sponsor family's daughter's house.

We had to get up early the morning of graduation. After getting ready, Kyle's oldest sister and I got in his mom's car  {FIRST BRAND NEW CAR} to head to the Davises house to meet up with everyone else. I was driving (for some reason...maybe I knew the way better?) and we aren't 10 feet out of the driveway when -WHACK! I backed into the neighbor's mailbox,  putting a nasty scratch in Kyle's mom's less-than-two-week-old-only-new-car-she-had-ever-gotten.  Uh-oh. Now, keep in mind that I'm 22 years old and had only ever hit one other thing before (a pole on the deck of mom and dad's house - I just turned too sharp trying to avoid hitting the plumber's car that was in the driveway) and was a pretty cautious driver. In my defense, I saw a mailbox out of the rear-view window as I was backing up and didn't hit that one. I hit the one that was about 3 feet from that to love those dueling mailbox situations. Anyway, after hitting the box, I just started shaking - it felt awful. Kyle's sister was SO sweet about it, and in typical big sister fashion, offered to take the blame for it and tell everyone that she was driving. We decided against that...I mean, it's just a car, right? An insured one at that...Anyway, we got to the sponsor's house and Kyle's sister went and told his mom who then told his dad...all this on the morning of Kyle's graduation and commissioning into the Marine Corps...and meeting George W. Bush - who was shaking hands that day at the ceremony. AND, it's raining - so, should the outdoor festivities get cancelled due to weather, the rain plan would only allow each midshipman to have like 4 tickets to graduation. The next couple of hours were a blur. I didn't get screamed at or anything....but I knew Kyle's mom and dad were just so sad...not mad at me, but just sad about the dent/scratch in the only-brand-new-car-she'd-ever-had. Kyle and I weren't talking marriage at that point, but I still really wanted to make a good impression on his family.  Banging the new car with his sister in it was NOT the route to go.

 Once everyone was back in Alabama, they got the car fixed (I think the trunk lid had to be replaced) and I paid their insurance deductible. All was well. Anyway, even though his mom still has that car, I haven't been behind the driver's seat since.

So, several years later, Kyle's dad decided to buy himself a car. I think he test drove cars for about a year before deciding on one to buy. He bought a BMW 7 series....not sure of the exact specs, but a nice sleek car that he was very pleased with. This car is not allowed to go to Lowes, Home Depot, or Wal-Mart - too many careless people there. It has made the trip to Texas and North Carolina to visit us though. There is also no eating in the car, although I think my mom was allowed to put on lipstick in it once. :-)

Here comes the dream part. I dreamt last night that we were at Kyle's parent's house and for some reason, I had to move the BMW, or drive it somewhere. While cautiously moving it, my foot was pressing the brake, but it wasn't responding. I was trying to shift out of reverse, but the brake wasn't responding to the pressure, so I'm slowly rolling (with several people standing in the front yard yelling "STOP") towards Kyle's mom's car, parked in front of the house. And yes, I hit the car. That's about when I woke up...but thank goodness - what a scary dream! I banged up both cars in front of everyone!

Anyway, I also had another crazy dream last night about a zoo allowing people to play on the cougar's playground and Vivi and her friend Marlyse being out of site from the moms....which wasn't such a big deal, until one of the cougar's starting acting aggressively and one of the zoo employees saying that they didn't feed the cats that morning. Anyway, we found both the girls and ended up being safe. That dream wasn't as scary as the car one though....I think probably because as I was dreaming about the big cats and their people playground, I knew...KNEW...that there was no chance of that being reality, where as the car one was a lot closer to being real....

I was just glad I woke up and they were both dreams. Hopefully I'll have some sweeter ones tonight!

I wish you safe driving and safe playing...especially if you have cats!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well, I decided to promote my photography a little bit by creating a website. If you'd like to view, just go to . I can't say that my business has an official name yet...all the names (domains) I like are taken. But I'm working on it. I think that if you told someone...."Oh yeah...Leanna Buchina took these pictures...her website is" then there's a high chance that there will be an awful misspelling. So I know I need to go with something simpler.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the site! I know it's pretty low key, but I think it's a good starting point. Enjoy!

Oh - and at Bryton's well check today, he was 21.2 pounds (75th percentile) and 30.5 inches long (97th percentile). He's doing well! If you've seen dropshots or our facebook post, his hives are doing better - the benadryl might be bothering his tummy some. He and Vivi both got the H1N1 vaccine today. I've decided that Dad is on shot duty next time. :-) Gotta jet!