Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well, I decided to promote my photography a little bit by creating a website. If you'd like to view, just go to . I can't say that my business has an official name yet...all the names (domains) I like are taken. But I'm working on it. I think that if you told someone...."Oh yeah...Leanna Buchina took these pictures...her website is" then there's a high chance that there will be an awful misspelling. So I know I need to go with something simpler.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the site! I know it's pretty low key, but I think it's a good starting point. Enjoy!

Oh - and at Bryton's well check today, he was 21.2 pounds (75th percentile) and 30.5 inches long (97th percentile). He's doing well! If you've seen dropshots or our facebook post, his hives are doing better - the benadryl might be bothering his tummy some. He and Vivi both got the H1N1 vaccine today. I've decided that Dad is on shot duty next time. :-) Gotta jet!

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