Friday, February 19, 2010


Well, just a quick note to let you know how excited I am...I hired a nanny!! I know, I are trying to figure out why I need a nanny..? and well, I am too a little. But lately I feel like I've been struggling to be the best mom to my kids. I mean, they are great and all, but I really need a break at times! I mean, I haven't gotten a haircut in months, have taken both kids to the orthodontist with me (love my invisaligns, by the way), various dr. appts with me, etc. Anyway, I hated to even consider having someone come in and help because, I guess, I figured that hiring someone meant that I had failed at being a stay at home mom. But, after talking with some really supportive Christian friends who are in the same boat (being military families, no grandparents around, husbands that work 60+ hrs a week when they aren't deployed, etc), they convinced me that I need to tone down the quest for perfectionism a little and hire a nanny and thus be better in the long run for my kids. So, I did - I got a great recommendation for a sweet girl (woman) who keeps the church nursery at the Bible study I attend. She is now coming to my house on Thursdays from 10-1. I feel like my chains have been cut! So if you see me running around the neighborhood on Thursday mornings (love getting exercise without the stroller), at the grocery store by myself, at the doctor with no kids (and not begging them off on friends), or cleaning the house in an hour (takes about 4 if Vivi and Bryton help), then you'll know why. I'm SO grateful for a supportive group of friends who have been very encouraging about this new routine. I have to admit that I'm still struggling with this decision a little, but know it will be the best for the kids in the long run. (kind of a compromise between getting a full time job in order to get a break from the kids, and just 'sticking it out' and being a basket case every time I have to dress a baby doll...yes, yes, playing dress up with Vivi is fun...but only for the first 100 hours. After that, my brain has turned to mush.)

Also, I decided on a Pre-K program for Vivi for school next year! I toured several places, and found one that I really like! And, I think we are going to start ballet classes for V. I can't believe how quickly time flies - can't believe that this next year is my last year with her before....gulp....kindergarten!

And, my photography business is  very much underway! I'm getting more and more jobs on the calendar and am very excited about it! I've got 3 jobs this weekend :-) That, too, provides my brain a nice break from mommy-dome. I hate to complain about being around the kids so much...but sometimes its just so hard! Stay at home mommying is one thousand times tougher than any job I've ever had...but it's also one thousand times more fulfilling too...I'm glad I have that opportunity. But sheesh - it's killing me!

Anyway, it's 5:00 pm and my hubby is actually at home! Yipee! Fun evening for the Buchinas. Vivi and Bryton are asleep, so it'll be a nice surprise to have Daddy around when they wake up!

I hope my comments about stay at home mommying are clear...I love it and it's the right decision for our family and even though my brain feels like it has turned mushier than the bananas I feed Bryton, and my hair looks as ragged as ....well....Ann and Andy...overall, I  feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to do it.

Have a great week....

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