Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nothing Much...

Well, I had a few minutes this afternoon, so just thought I'd give a quick update. Vivi went to the orthopedic doc again yesterday and they x-rayed her arm and said everything looked good and we should be able to get the cast off in a couple of weeks. I hope so because the dress I want her to wear for Easter (one that mom made me in the 80s) won't fit over her cast and I don't want to try and disassemble it (the dress) to make it fit...don't trust myself that much :-)

Bryton went for his one year check today - he was 31 inches long and weighed 23 lbs - around the 50/75% percentile for both. He's kind of coming down off of his 95% for everything, but doc said that that usually happens b/t 9-18 months, as they get more active. Speaking of active, he's taken a couple of  steps - they aren't pretty, but they are unassisted steps none-the-less. He's getting there. He's been kind of fussy lately - got some congestion and teeth coming in. Doc accounted the fussiness to the teeth coming in. Also, he cried what seemed to be all night long a couple of nights ago; I guess he forgot that after a few weeks old in the Buchina household, mama and daddy leave you to be on your own from 7p-7a (don't come down on me...Vivi was a 12 hr sleeper at 10 weeks...Bryton at 7...I didn't just abandon them in the middle of the night). Anyway, we went in a couple of times because we figured there was something wrong - he never cries at night. Sometimes he'll make 'baby noises,' but if he fusses, the we know there is something amiss. Anyway, we walked in there to find him standing in the crib looking over the edge at Bowser, his sleeping buddy (equivalent to Vivi's Wooly) whom he had dropped on the ground. We picked up Bowser and gave him back. All was quiet for a little while...then he's up fussing again...anyway, I think he had some discomfort due to his teeth and some congestion which woke him up...then losing Bowser over the side of the crib...well...that was just too much for him! Anyway, we made him tough it out once during nap when he lost Bowser over the side of the crib...mama and daddy don't play that game. Vivi never really dropped things off the high chair just to watch us pick them up...we're hoping Bryton doesn't learn that game.

Other than that, we bought a minivan! We got a Toyota Sienna - and it's fabulous! Drives great and makes my life just a little easier (not that my life is hard by any means, but the mini does help simplify some things thus making traveling and loading/unloading from the car easier on me).

Hope everyone is doing well...

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