Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm Guilty!

Well, I have a couple of things to write about...I'm guilty on a couple of accounts.

First, I have been the 'car mom' all week! Kyle left for AZ last week, so we are one week down, six to go. I've had 2 urgent care was for a stomach bug that lasted about 5 days (yuck!)....finally went to the urgent care center and got a bag of iv fluids and some zofran...felt like a new person the next day. Then, I went two days ago because of excruciating pain in both ankles. I originally attributed it to the extra fluid they had given me in the iv...because the pain started right after my first urgent care visit. Anyway, after about 5 days of that, I went back to the urgent care center, and doc said to stop running for about a week, and then just gradually build back up, backing off every time I felt ankle pain. SO, my next workout was eight elliptical miles and ended with no ankle pain! (also, may I say, it's amazing how many more miles you can crank out on an elliptical rather than a treadmill) My past treadmill workouts ended with me not being able to bend my ankles for a couple of hours afterwards...just limping along...walking slower that Bryton. Whew! I've been logging some treadmill time for about the past 6 weeks...we joined the YMCA late spring and have been really pleased with it! There is childcare on site, and there's a pool a year long!

So, being the car mom...meaning I've been toting the kids places and just dropping them off somewhere while I got "my" stuff done. Vivi's been in preschool some weeks this's three days a week for three hours. While she is there, Bryton and I go to the Y...I drop him off at the childcare there, and then hit the gym. Then, we come home, he has 'independent' play time while I shower and freshen up, then we pick up V. After lunch and naptime, Vivi has had afternoon swim lessons. SO, we head to the Y again, and I drop Bryton off at the childcare there, and go watch V at swim class. That has been our 'normal' the past 2-3, adding in a couple of urgent care trips (where I drop the kids off at the hourly child care play center out in town)...all I've done is buckle the kids in their car seats.

Now that my ankles are better (whew!...serious pain there) we've had some more down time at the house. We miss daddy...but are very glad that the house is staying a little more picked up and the amount of laundry is cut in thirds :-) Also, the dishwasher looks like a sippy cup parade...anyone else have that?

So, it's Thursday, and we're glad to be back to our 'normal' routine. :-)

Now, another thing I'm guilty of...and am not sure I want to admit...not sure I will right now. All I'll say is:
For the love of all that is correct lighting; appealing poses; sweet smooth skin; subject catching photographs; expressive familial love; correct lighting (emphasized); artistic NOT go to sears/penney's/portrait innovations for "portraits". It will make me mad...not because I didn't get your business, but because the photos suffered...and these are ones that will last a lifetime. Go to someone who knows their camera. Someone who only does photographs. Not someone who is paid by the hour. Make sure you end up with portraits that you want to look at...for a lifetime. The. End. (yes, I have personally learned this the hard way)

Have a great week!


  1. Staying busy while dad is gone seems to help me mentally too! I feel bad for Caleb sometimes though since he's always riding around doing my errands. Every once in a while he goes to Playdate, which he loves! And the top of my dishwasher is pretty much dedicated to his sippy cups, plates, bowls and anything else that is primary colored and plastic:o)

  2. Lea, as always, you crack me up! But darn it..I wish I had been here for your urgent care trauma - dear dog, woman!!

    Sippy cup parade...the visual image I got when I read that just cracked me up :-)
