Sunday, February 15, 2009

More Baby Stuff

Well, baby boy has a name! Kyle definitely wants to keep it a secret until he arrives, but in my progressive pregnancy state (aka survival mode) I'm going to have to try hard not to give into the pressure. I don't blame Kyle for wanting to keep it a secret. He just doesn't want to have to hear any criticism or negative thoughts that might come around (not that it's a weird name, but it's amazing how everyone has opinions that they feel the need to share). It's easy to say something negative about a name you don't like for a baby that hasn't been born. On the other hand, after the baby arrives and the parents introduce people to Jim Bob Buchina (for example only) with big blue eyes and bouncing blonde curls, it's harder to critique. So, he wants to keep it a secret. I, however, don't think that we'll have to wait more than a couple of weeks for the big reveal either b/c he's going to come early, or I'll be too exhausted to defend his wishes anymore. That, and Vivi knows what he'll be named...she might spill the beans, Kyle (but no fair bribing her to get the info anyone!). Also, on our last blog, I asked for suggestions for names and didn't get any comments....SO, if you didn't have any comments, you have no room to criticize, right?

Since we've picked a name, I've been dying to have some white onesies monogrammed, but the shop here in Havelock wouldn't have had them ready before Vivi and I head to Birmingham. We'll be boarding a plane on Tuesday. We've gotten everything packed to take with us, and all the baby's things ready for Kyle to throw in the car. I'm drying the last load of laundry now. Vivi is very excited to see everyone back home! However, I don't know how much running around I'll be able to do. So, no promises on doing much of anything social while we're in town.

I went to the doctor again this week. At the ultrasound, baby looks to be doing good. He's estimated to be about 5 and a half pounds (at 32 weeks) which is 95%. I'll be going 2 times a week from here on out. I also went to the ER this week for what I thought to be pre-term labor, but it wasn't. They said that the baby is in good shape and heart rate was great.

So, for Valentines Day, Kyle and I went to dinner with two other couples. One who lives here now, and one who was here house hunting over the weekend that will be moving here in the summer. One of the couples we've known since we lived here in 2004 (knew them in Yuma, too). The other couple we knew our whole time in Yuma. So, it was nice to connect with everyone and get an evening out (it will probably be months before Kyle and I go out alone for months...not a complaint, just a fact).

Today we went to Jacksonville, NC. It's about 40 minutes away, but a much bigger town than New Bern. So, we made a couple of stops to get stuff for our trip. We also drove by a Chuck E Cheese. Vivi hasn't been to one since August, but recognized the mascot on the side of the building. We weren't able to stop there today, but told her that we'd go after we got to Birmingham. I'm assuming there's still one in Vestavia. She had a great time the last time we were there; you don't really even have to buy anything b/c she isn't into video games yet (no, Kyle hasn't taught her how to use Flight Simulator yet) - just likes all the buttons that there are to push. Next week we'll go, Vivi. She's doing really well with her potty training - wearing panties every day. She's still in a pull-up at nap and night time, but it's been several days that she's had any night or nap accidents - she'll wake up and come tell me that she's got to go potty. The only time she has trouble is when she's in a new situation; either at a friend's house during nap, or at a play gym (Playdate - drop in hourly child care) where she's not sure where the potty is or who the teachers are, etc. But, when she's with Kyle or me, she's great. We're so proud - such a big girl!! We'll have to get a sticker chart up at Granna and Pop Pop's so she can earn a trip to Chuck E Cheese. :-) (I'm sure I'll take her anyway..but new situation needs new incentives, right?)

Poor Kyle has not really been a pilot this week (some of you other pilot wives are thinking, "what else is new?"). He's come home with random 'arts and crafts' projects - cutting pieces of paper to put into reference books to use when he flies (why are they printed on paper that just a little too big for the sleeves they are supposed to fit in?) or taking the patch plates off his uniform (b/c the new flight suit manufacturer didn't put them on according to USMC regulation) and resewing them in the correct location. It might not sound like a big deal, and I guess it really isn't. But, it's taken him about 10 hours for these projects. Ridiculous, right? I helped some with the paper cutting on the way back from the doctor this week. It still took forever. Good luck, Kyle. Maybe Vivi will be skilled enough with scissors by the time he has another one of these projects. It can be a family night activity.

Well, I should probably sign off. I have some clothes to fold before heading off to bed.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear, Leanna. I hope you're doing well in AL! Send news our way!
