Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekly Events

Well, we had another good week. Vivi is doing really well with potty training, my photography class got another teacher, I had an uneventful doctor's appointment, I bought plane tickets for Vivi and me, and Kyle didn't have to go to work all weekend.

As for the potty training, she's getting there; I'm just hoping it will be far enough along before our trip to Birmingham so that the change of scenery doesn't throw her off. She hasn't had any accidents for 3 days and is getting up and telling us that she needs to sit on the potty in the morning. So, even though it makes for early mornings at times, it's well worth it. The time we are working with now is naptime. She is dry after nap most days, but some days she isn't. I'm not sure if she's going while she is asleep or waking up and then going. We are just trying to make sure that she goes as soon as she wakes up. But, for that to happen, I have to be awake - usually I'm resting while she is! She enjoys her potty treats - stickers, Smarties, Yogos, and M&Ms. If she makes it through the rest of the evening with no accidents, then she'll get a piece of pink heart cake (thanks to the dollar spot at Target, I have a pink heart shaped pan). I made a strawberry cake for her in it. So, hopefully the rest of the evening will be successful and she can get her cake!

I've been taking a photography class (intro to digital photography) here at one of the local colleges just so that I can master my camera. It has so many settings and I want to learn how to make the most of it. So, thanks to my friend Kelley (who looked up all the info on photography courses offered in this area), I'm in a class a couple of nights a week. The original teacher (first 4 classes), was very artsy minded, but didn't possess many personal or teaching skills. I'm not sure what she did for a living. It was very slow going during those 4 classes. Our definition of what an SLR camera was "It's the kind that goes 'clunk' when you press the button." But, she got another evening job and had to resign her position, and we got another teacher; a very interesting man who has his own photo business. He's been in the biz for over 15 years; portraits, weddings, special events, etc are what he does. After 2 classes with him, I've learned so much about photo composition as well as camera uses. I'm looking forward to the rest of the class!

I had another doctor visit on Thursday; everything looked good. I asked them to go on and deliver, but they wouldn't do it. Maybe I'll have to be a little more creative next time. I wonder if the doctor would like some leftover strawberry cake for my next visit...? I'm almost 31 weeks now...whew (I look and feel like I'm 50 weeks though...maybe the due date calculation was wrong...). Kyle and I did some furniture rearranging this weekend in the baby's room. I got most everything washed, folded, and organized. I think we are in good shape. We got a couple of things today; waterproof pads (to put between crib sheets...layer one crib sheet, then a waterproof pad, crib sheet, waterproof pad, etc) and a bottle drying rack. Bottles will be a back up, but with Vivi, they were such a nice back up to have! I kept several bottles in the fridge at all times. We had several wasted gallons of milk, but it was still nice to have an option for Kyle to give her a bottle if I wanted to head out during a feeding time. Anyway, I wanted another bottle drying rack, so we got one while we were at Babies R Us today (in Jacksonville). Vivi got a deck of Care Bear playing cards while we were there - for going to the potty.

I bought plane tickets for Vivi and me today - we'll be arriving in Bham on Feb 17th. I'm not sure when Kyle will join us; hopefully he'll be there the first of March to help me with her during the day. Granna was able to get her a spot at the church's Mother's Day Out program, so she'll have some play time three days a week. But, I know I'll have a hard time keeping up with her the further along I get with the pregnancy. So, Vivi will get a lot of Daddy time after he comes to town.

Kyle was off all weekend! We went to the aquarium on Saturday. Vivi was excited about going to see the sharks! She asked at one point if we could see a at the aquarium Vivi. It was really cute when she asked. We took a few pictures, but there wasn't a whole lot to see. On Sunday, we went to Jacksonville to Babies R Us to look around and get the above mentioned items.

Other than that, I can't think of anything else that we did this weekend; just lots of laundry and lots of playing Candy Land.

Other exciting events that happened this week were that my good friend in AL, Melissa, had her baby girl this week!! I can't wait to meet her! I'm sure she's a little doll! Congratulations Melissa!!

Also, I received a few things from UPS this week - a little sailboat bubble for baby boy (that I got on ebay), and thanks to Kyle's sister Renee, the kids now have their first set of matching outfits! She sent two really cute fall outfits for the kids - a longall for baby boy, and matching dress for Vivi - they are too cute!! I can't wait for the fall (they are fall/winter sized) to dress them up! Thanks so much! Kids clothing boutiques are hard to find around here; there is one within 40 miles.

That's all the news I have for now...maybe I'll think of more to say later! Have a great week.

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