Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Exciting Times A-Coming!

We are going to my brother's wedding this weekend and we are so excited to celebrate their marriage and to visit with family. We head out of New Bern on Friday morning, headed for Raleigh to catch a plane to Detroit.

I thought I'd give all family members some info on what to expect out of the kids. Here's some info about little Vivian.

She's very much in the "I do it myself" phase. It's great in a lot of regards - I want her to assert her independence and learn to do all sorts of new things by herself. On the other hand, she probably didn't get her daddy's calm temperment (yes, he's a USMC destroy the enemy pilot...but really takes a lot to set him off) so when she's trying to do something by herself and can't do it on the first try, she just falls to pieces and gets very very frustrated. We're trying to teach her to stop...breathe...and ask for help. You'll probably see this behavior often this weekend. I see it almost daily. Some days I see it a dozen times. So far, so good today.

She's also very timid...she's the flower girl in the wedding, so the past few weeks at church, we've been trying to get her to walk down the aisle by herself. She gets so scared, even though there are only a dozen on so people in the sanctuary at the time. We've offered her bribes and all sorts of things...but nothing has worked. At the wedding, she'll have a ring bearer to feed off of (I think he's a year or so older..not really sure though), so maybe that will help (haha..unless he goes running through the sanctuary and playing in the holy water or something...in that case, she'd follow him in an instant. As a disclaimer, I don't know anything about the little boy who is the ring bearer. He could have the nicest manners of any other little ones out there. I'm just saying that if she sees another kid doing something that she knows is a little bit naughty, she'll follow right along). Plus, she'll have some familiar faces in the front pews to hopefully encourage her and help her feel more at ease. At the rehearsal, we'll have to figure out what order she'll be going in so we can hopefully make her a deal with fruit snacks, smarties, or other candies that won't melt on a white dress. She'll have a bag full of treats, and Wooly, her beloved sheep companion.

Vivi also likes to dance. She'll carry a musical toy around and push the button to make it play a song so we can dance. She might be pretty nervous at the wedding ceremony (and maybe for pictures, too...sorry E and C) but she'll have a blast at the reception.

As for Bryton, well, he's just big. He's not too chunky...I mean, he has a good amount of baby chunk to him, but he's long. As a friend says, it looks like you should just be able to put him on the floor and expect him to walk. So yeah, I'd say that he looks like your average 9-12 month old...at 4 months. He's a sweetie though. If we can get him to take a bottle, I don't expect any surprises out of him. He loves to be held and talked to and interacted with. He does fuss at times, but is good at finding his thumb to suck and then he usually settles down. His fussing usually doesn't last long. Of course, babies throw you for a loop at times...so he might be fussing at the same time Vivi is playing in the holy water. ha!

Anyway, we are very excited about this upcoming weekend. I still have to pack and figure out what we'll need with us on the plane and what bags we'll check, if any. It'd be great not to have to check any (esp at $15.00 each), but there's only so many bags Kyle and I can tote through an airport along with 2 kids...and two car seats. I know we could get extra car seats from Hertz, but Kyle wasn't sure which brands and models they had there, and felt better about bringing the ones we have, for ensured safety. I get scared in busy public places like airports...I mean, someone could snatch V and be gone in the blink of an eye. SO, we'll probably carry her or hold her hand at all times. Bryton will be in his car seat or I'll be wearing him in the Baby Bjorn. The last time I flew when V was little enough to still be in the Baby Bjorn, I didn't have to take her out to get through security - and that was NICE. So, I think it will be the most expedient way to get us through.

Well, it's about time for Bryton to eat...and he's letting me know. SO, I better get going. Look forward to seeing everyone at this great event this weekend!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Quick Post

This post is going to be quick. Why? Well, Bryton is asleep in his swing, and Vivi is content playing by herself at the moment..and that usually doesn't last long.

So, here's a quick update on everybody. Bryton went for his 4 month check up last week. He weighed 17 lbs, 1 oz. I'm not sure how long he was, but his length measured in the 90th percentile (out of 100 boys his age, he's longer than 90 of them) and his weight was in the 95th percentile. The doctor said that he looked good and to just keep it up. He's not rolling all the way over yet, but can get about 3/4 of the way from his back to his belly. He's still eating the same - about every 4 hours during the day (at 9am, 1pm, 5pm, and 9pm), about 30 minutes at a time, and then gets a bath before bedtime. Of course the eating times are flexible...he didn't get up until after 10 today, but we'll still try to get him in bed by 9:30 tonight. We got him a new bathtub. The one that we were using (used it with V too) is made out of hard plastic and has a sling that you attach to the sides when they are little. But, we did away with the sling a long time ago - he was too chunky to be suspended in it. Anyway, a couple of nights ago, when Kyle was getting soap out of the bath wash bottle, the bottle made a burping sound and it scared Bryton (why any body-like noises scare him, I'll never know) and he threw his head back and bonked it on the hard plastic tub. He cried and cried inconsolably for over 30 minutes - really threw us for a loop b/c he never screams to the point that being held or talked to or fed wouldn't settle him down. Kyle and I had never heard him hit those notes before. Anyway, there was no bump on his head, so maybe it just scared him? I don't know. It took him a while, but he calmed down and then I fed him and put him to bed and he was down for the night.
So, this brings us to the new bathtub! We had heard (from friends of ours) that they make a bathtub that is like a bouncy seat that is made to sit in the big bathtub, or kitchen sink in our case. I took Vivi and Bryton to Wal-Mart yesterday to get a couple of things, and while I was there, I saw the bouncy seat tub - so we got it and no head injuries last night. Whew!

Old Bath Tub (which we were very fond of until a couple of nights ago):

New Bath Tub

So, we are glad to avoid that issue in the future. Other Bryton news? Well, over the past few days, we've been trying to get him to take a bottle once a day or so instead of nursing because in a couple of weeks, we are headed to Detroit for my brother's wedding! We are so excited to go, but Kyle, V and me are in the wedding party....so it will probably be more convenient for Bryton to eat from a bottle on the wedding day instead of me stepping out to feed him (again, 30 minutes usually) during pictures or something. But, it's not going so well. He's refused the bottle a couple of times, but taken it a couple of times. I'm putting freshly expressed milk in there, so the milk is the same. Any moms been through that and have any suggestions? I don't want him screaming in starvation because he won't take a bottle...poor baby. I also don't feel good about letting him fuss it out thinking, "He'll eat from a bottle when he gets hungry enough"...Oh well. Maybe he'll get it in the next week or so.
As for Vivi, she's definitely ready for some regular preschool interaction. She doesn't see many other kids to play with that often, so she's ready to have some strictly kid interaction in a kid-friendly environment (not the grocery store). She's getting excited about her birthday party! She'll be 3 on Aug 4 ,and her party is Aug 22. We are going to have it at a gymnastics studio here in town. They set up age appropriate obstacle courses and let them play in their bouncy indoor play area. Should be great! I took her to the party store and let her pick out party stuff - what kind of cake she wanted, invitations, cups, plates, napkins, balloons, etc. She had a great time. She kept telling me that her birthday party was in the car (where we put the party supplies). Anyway, we try to have 'school time' every day - doing connect the dot workbook pages, counting exercises etc. Some days are better than others, as far as length of time she's willing to sit still and work.
Well, that's about it for now. More later this week? You never know!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Top Ten Conversations in our Family...I'm Getting Really Tired of Some of Them

1. Vivi, did you wipe your bottom? (said by Mama)

This is said every time after Vivi comes out of the bathroom. Usually, the answer is no. Appropriate action is then taken.

2. Well, I want a new car. (said by Mama)

This is said after Vivi comes up and says that she wants something...for example, "Mama..I want some milk!" Then I say, "Well, I want a new car." We're trying to get her to ask nicely for things. So, I explain that just because we want something, doesn't mean that it is owed to us. We have to work hard. Her working hard for her milk is saying politely, "Mama...may I please have some more milk?"

3. Where's Daddy? (said by Vivi)

Vivi says this at least 3 times a day. He's at work, Vivi. He's always at work. He will always be at work. No, he can't play princess with you while he's at work. You're stuck with Mom for the day. I can take you to Playdate if you wish.

4. Take Wooly back to your room. (said by Mama/Daddy)

She is starting to get sneaky and bring Wooly, her night and nap time sleepy buddy, to play during the day. I like to save Wooly for sleep time and reserve its use so that it's a treat if she gets Wooly other than nap or night time (works well in the car or airplane for long trips).

5. Yes, Vivi, you can wear a princess dress today. (said by Mama)

She has deemed every pink dress in her closet a princess dress.

6. Quit be-bopping around. (said by Mama/Daddy)

We tell Vivi this often. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the term 'be-bop,' it refers to any antsy behavior that happens when she is not paying attention to the task at hand. Often, when one is be-bopping, one gets a boo-boo.

7. Sit on your bottom. (said by Mama/Daddy)

Why is it that if you are under the age of 10, it is physically impossible to sit on your bottom during the entirety of a meal? Vivi is getting better at staying seated, but still needs some work. Sometimes I tell her that if I see her bottom again, then I'll spank it.

8. Are you playing nicely? (said by Mama/Daddy)

Vivi gets frustrated when she can't do something. She is at the point where her mind is working faster than her body can coordinate. So, when she can't work a toy the way she wants, she tries a couple of times, gets mad, and then throws the toy, saying, "No, I DON'T want to play with it." Again, appropriate action is taken to stop the toy throwing.

9. Stop crying. It hurts my ears. (said by Mama/Daddy)

With her frustrations (mentioned in #8), she starts crying when she can't do something. She goes to tears in almost every situation that she is frustrated with. So much so that you can't understand her when she is telling you what she's mad about. You can tell her to stop crying and tell you what's wrong...and she will. Whew. Once when Bryton was fussing, I heard Vivi tell him, "That hurts my ears." ha!

10. Who's my sweet boy? (said by Mama)

Ok, I had to include Bryton in the top 10 somewhere. He really is a sweet thing and just as flirty as he can be. He loves smiling at you, making noises at you, trying to imitate the noises you are making at him, etc. He really is a sweetie. So, I ask him constantly when I'm talking to him, "Who's my sweet boy?" He always smiles in response.

If I was a super-blogger, I would pull coordinating pictures from our picture site to exemplify each point (well, most of them...I don't have a picture for point # 1. That's usually said when her pants are around her ankles and her shirt/dress is held up under her chin), but I've got a clean hungry little guy waiting for me. Ta-ta for now!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Myrtle Beach!

For the long 4th weekend, we packed up and headed to Myrtle Beach, SC. Kyle had Friday thru Monday off, so we hit the road on Thursday afternoon when he got home from work.

Prepping for a 4+ day trip for the 4 (well, 5 - Lexie went with us) of us took me all day on Wednesday. Seriously, that's all I did. I packed 6 outfits for each kid (plus they each have an extra in the diaper bag), and 5 for each Kyle and me. I updated my first aid kit that I keep in the diaper bag (because you know that when you travel unprepared is when things go wrong), got some travel sized toiletries, new netflix movie in the dvd player, and washed all the clothes. We had one large suitcase, holding clothes and shoes for Kyle and me, and our toiletries (including hair dryer, diabetic supplies, and a flattening iron - to include a list of larger items). Vivi and Bryton each had a smallish bag housing their clothes. Then, I had a toiletry bag for the kids. Packed in it were diapers, wipes, pull-ups, hair bows, baby washcloths, disposable changing pads, baby wash, hair bows, and Vivi's shampoo. Keeping count? That's 4 bags so far. Then there's my camera bag (had my fully charged SLR and video camera plus accessories...because you know that when you don't pack the battery charger is when you are hours from home and one of your kids does something even more spectacular than normal), Bryton's bouncy seat, play mat, bathtub, DVD player bag, Pack-N-Play, and boppy pillow. Oh yeah - there was also a large zip lock bag holding Lexie's leash, collar and small Tupperware dish filled with kibbles.

I had put all of the above items in the car (did this on Thursday...Kyle was able to get off around 2pm) and had everyone fed and pottied and cleaned when Kyle got home. He had flown that morning and needed a quick shower before getting in the car. As we are walking to the car, he said something that reminded me that I had forgotten to put his golf clubs in the car. So, he rearranged my fabulous neatly stacked car packing and put his clubs in. Then we were off to Myrtle Beach.

Why Myrtle Beach? The Davises.

Kyle met Willard and Carol Davis shortly after becoming a midshipman at USNA. They had lived in the Annapolis area for several years and had signed up to be a sponsor family for a midshipman Kyle's first year there. They were assigned Kyle, and little did they know what they'd be in for! They were such a great supportive 'home away from home' while Kyle was in school. They graciously let me stay with them every time I went to visit Kyle. We enjoyed taking Willard's Cadillac out for dinner, or just driving around town. About 4 years ago (maybe 5), they moved from Annapolis to Myrtle Beach, SC to take advantage of the wonderful golfing community. Anyway, fast-forward 12 years later, and here we are. Married, two kids, and a dog - headed to drop some craziness into their lives.

We arrived on Thursday night. It's about a 3 hour trip. The kids did great - the both slept most of the way. After arriving, we ate dinner, talked, and Vivi went for a ride in Willard's golf cart before heading to bed.

On Friday, Kyle and Willard played golf...so that left Carol and the kids and I to go shopping! New Bern, NC (our current local) isn't exactly known for it's wonderful shopping venues, so it was so nice to be in a city with about every retail chain store imaginable. We went to the Tanger Outlet center. It was pretty crowded, but we had a good time. I can't remember all of the stores we stopped at, but a huge Carter's was among them. It was packed with clothes...and shoppers too - kind of hard to maneuver around.

After returning from the shopping trip, Kyle and Willard had finished their golf. Kyle hasn't played in a long time and really enjoyed being on the course again.

That night, we had steak, fresh locally grown tomatoes, and potatoes. It was a great dinner. Afterwards, we went to the pool in their community. Vivi and Kyle splashed around in the pool. She still can't swim, but is getting more comfortable in the water.

On Saturday (the 4th), we went to Freestyle Music Park. In honor of the 4th of July, military members and their dependants got in free! So, Kyle, Carol, Vivi, Bryton and me went and enjoyed the day there. We got there right when they opened, and rode several rides with virtually no line. We enjoyed lunch there for $17.76 - 4 hot dogs, 4 sides, and 4 drinks. Great for an amusement park! After lunch we rode several more rides - Vivi really enjoyed them. When she first got on a ride, she was scared...but by the time it was over, she was saying, "Let's do it again!" Around 4:00, we left the park - it was getting pretty crowded by this point, and we were pretty tired.

For dinner that night, Willard grilled some chicken legs. We also had corn, tomatoes, and hm...I don't remember what else.

That brings us to Sunday! Kyle took Vivi to Ripley's Aquarium at Broadway at the Beach. She had a fantastic time looking at all of the sharks and other fish. While he was there, Carol and Bryton and I hit up the Tanger Outlets again. This time, we stopped at Osh Kosh, Hartstrings, and Ann Taylor Loft. I would have really really enjoyed going to Ann Taylor and Banana Republic (all outlet store at the Tanger Outlet center), but we ran out of time! For dinner Sunday night, we went to Islamarada Seafood Company (something like that). The food was good, but the waiter was fishing without bait. Nice, but a little clueless. Willard and I had shrimp for dinner, and I also stole a bit of Kyle's dragon roll - sushi with avocado, cream cheese, and crab. It was very good. Carol had a fried chicken salad, without the fried chicken (the waiter got the order wrong and then forgot it). Kyle enjoyed calamari and Vivi had macaroni and cheese, applesauce, and a bite of Kyle's calamari. She didn't spit it out, but she did only have the one bite.

Sunday night, we played the card game Kings Row. It's a lot of fun, but takes a while. For the first time in 4 years, the men beat the women. We'll get them next time, Carol.

On Monday, we packed and loaded the car; but during the process, Kyle noticed that we had a screw in a tire. So, he went and got that fixed, and Vivi, Carol and I went to the driving range and I hit part of a bucket of golf balls. It started to rain on us, so we drove around in the golf cart for a little bit - just looking at the neighborhood. After Kyle returned with the patched tire, we finished loading the car and stopped at a local sports bar for a late lunch before hitting the road.

We had a great weekend and really enjoyed our time with the Davises.

Sorry to wrap up this post so abruptly, but a little boy is fussing! More next time. See pics on our picture site!