Thursday, July 9, 2009

Top Ten Conversations in our Family...I'm Getting Really Tired of Some of Them

1. Vivi, did you wipe your bottom? (said by Mama)

This is said every time after Vivi comes out of the bathroom. Usually, the answer is no. Appropriate action is then taken.

2. Well, I want a new car. (said by Mama)

This is said after Vivi comes up and says that she wants something...for example, "Mama..I want some milk!" Then I say, "Well, I want a new car." We're trying to get her to ask nicely for things. So, I explain that just because we want something, doesn't mean that it is owed to us. We have to work hard. Her working hard for her milk is saying politely, "Mama...may I please have some more milk?"

3. Where's Daddy? (said by Vivi)

Vivi says this at least 3 times a day. He's at work, Vivi. He's always at work. He will always be at work. No, he can't play princess with you while he's at work. You're stuck with Mom for the day. I can take you to Playdate if you wish.

4. Take Wooly back to your room. (said by Mama/Daddy)

She is starting to get sneaky and bring Wooly, her night and nap time sleepy buddy, to play during the day. I like to save Wooly for sleep time and reserve its use so that it's a treat if she gets Wooly other than nap or night time (works well in the car or airplane for long trips).

5. Yes, Vivi, you can wear a princess dress today. (said by Mama)

She has deemed every pink dress in her closet a princess dress.

6. Quit be-bopping around. (said by Mama/Daddy)

We tell Vivi this often. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the term 'be-bop,' it refers to any antsy behavior that happens when she is not paying attention to the task at hand. Often, when one is be-bopping, one gets a boo-boo.

7. Sit on your bottom. (said by Mama/Daddy)

Why is it that if you are under the age of 10, it is physically impossible to sit on your bottom during the entirety of a meal? Vivi is getting better at staying seated, but still needs some work. Sometimes I tell her that if I see her bottom again, then I'll spank it.

8. Are you playing nicely? (said by Mama/Daddy)

Vivi gets frustrated when she can't do something. She is at the point where her mind is working faster than her body can coordinate. So, when she can't work a toy the way she wants, she tries a couple of times, gets mad, and then throws the toy, saying, "No, I DON'T want to play with it." Again, appropriate action is taken to stop the toy throwing.

9. Stop crying. It hurts my ears. (said by Mama/Daddy)

With her frustrations (mentioned in #8), she starts crying when she can't do something. She goes to tears in almost every situation that she is frustrated with. So much so that you can't understand her when she is telling you what she's mad about. You can tell her to stop crying and tell you what's wrong...and she will. Whew. Once when Bryton was fussing, I heard Vivi tell him, "That hurts my ears." ha!

10. Who's my sweet boy? (said by Mama)

Ok, I had to include Bryton in the top 10 somewhere. He really is a sweet thing and just as flirty as he can be. He loves smiling at you, making noises at you, trying to imitate the noises you are making at him, etc. He really is a sweetie. So, I ask him constantly when I'm talking to him, "Who's my sweet boy?" He always smiles in response.

If I was a super-blogger, I would pull coordinating pictures from our picture site to exemplify each point (well, most of them...I don't have a picture for point # 1. That's usually said when her pants are around her ankles and her shirt/dress is held up under her chin), but I've got a clean hungry little guy waiting for me. Ta-ta for now!


  1. OK, this is absolutely your best post yet. I love it!

  2. Tee-hee-hee. With the exception of number 5 and possibly a different name for the nap-time pal in number 4, been there, done that, and said that, albeit mostly a long time ago. At some time in the future, "that's not fair" will probably come up, but "I love you" will cover some of the more frustrating ones. Love to you. Aunt Cheryl
