Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Exciting Times A-Coming!

We are going to my brother's wedding this weekend and we are so excited to celebrate their marriage and to visit with family. We head out of New Bern on Friday morning, headed for Raleigh to catch a plane to Detroit.

I thought I'd give all family members some info on what to expect out of the kids. Here's some info about little Vivian.

She's very much in the "I do it myself" phase. It's great in a lot of regards - I want her to assert her independence and learn to do all sorts of new things by herself. On the other hand, she probably didn't get her daddy's calm temperment (yes, he's a USMC destroy the enemy pilot...but really takes a lot to set him off) so when she's trying to do something by herself and can't do it on the first try, she just falls to pieces and gets very very frustrated. We're trying to teach her to stop...breathe...and ask for help. You'll probably see this behavior often this weekend. I see it almost daily. Some days I see it a dozen times. So far, so good today.

She's also very timid...she's the flower girl in the wedding, so the past few weeks at church, we've been trying to get her to walk down the aisle by herself. She gets so scared, even though there are only a dozen on so people in the sanctuary at the time. We've offered her bribes and all sorts of things...but nothing has worked. At the wedding, she'll have a ring bearer to feed off of (I think he's a year or so older..not really sure though), so maybe that will help (haha..unless he goes running through the sanctuary and playing in the holy water or something...in that case, she'd follow him in an instant. As a disclaimer, I don't know anything about the little boy who is the ring bearer. He could have the nicest manners of any other little ones out there. I'm just saying that if she sees another kid doing something that she knows is a little bit naughty, she'll follow right along). Plus, she'll have some familiar faces in the front pews to hopefully encourage her and help her feel more at ease. At the rehearsal, we'll have to figure out what order she'll be going in so we can hopefully make her a deal with fruit snacks, smarties, or other candies that won't melt on a white dress. She'll have a bag full of treats, and Wooly, her beloved sheep companion.

Vivi also likes to dance. She'll carry a musical toy around and push the button to make it play a song so we can dance. She might be pretty nervous at the wedding ceremony (and maybe for pictures, too...sorry E and C) but she'll have a blast at the reception.

As for Bryton, well, he's just big. He's not too chunky...I mean, he has a good amount of baby chunk to him, but he's long. As a friend says, it looks like you should just be able to put him on the floor and expect him to walk. So yeah, I'd say that he looks like your average 9-12 month old...at 4 months. He's a sweetie though. If we can get him to take a bottle, I don't expect any surprises out of him. He loves to be held and talked to and interacted with. He does fuss at times, but is good at finding his thumb to suck and then he usually settles down. His fussing usually doesn't last long. Of course, babies throw you for a loop at times...so he might be fussing at the same time Vivi is playing in the holy water. ha!

Anyway, we are very excited about this upcoming weekend. I still have to pack and figure out what we'll need with us on the plane and what bags we'll check, if any. It'd be great not to have to check any (esp at $15.00 each), but there's only so many bags Kyle and I can tote through an airport along with 2 kids...and two car seats. I know we could get extra car seats from Hertz, but Kyle wasn't sure which brands and models they had there, and felt better about bringing the ones we have, for ensured safety. I get scared in busy public places like airports...I mean, someone could snatch V and be gone in the blink of an eye. SO, we'll probably carry her or hold her hand at all times. Bryton will be in his car seat or I'll be wearing him in the Baby Bjorn. The last time I flew when V was little enough to still be in the Baby Bjorn, I didn't have to take her out to get through security - and that was NICE. So, I think it will be the most expedient way to get us through.

Well, it's about time for Bryton to eat...and he's letting me know. SO, I better get going. Look forward to seeing everyone at this great event this weekend!

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