Sunday, August 30, 2009

Been a While!

Well, I know it's been a while since I've blogged, so I'm going to post a quick update for our last few weeks.

1. Vivi turned 3!! Kyle was out of town, so I took Vivi to Chuck E Cheese. She ate almost a whole pizza (yikes!!!) and stuffed coins in all of the slots of the games - had a great time! She doesn't go often enough to understand the joy of trading in your precious tickets earned at every game for the - excuse the language - crap crap - before you go home (that's been intentional on my part...I hate that stuff). SO, we found a nice family and passed our tickets to them. They had older kids and were enthusiastic about the extra tickets. Yay! I don't remember what else we did that day. Hm.. oh yeah! We went to the toy store! That's right! She got a digital camera for her birthday. She's had a great time with it so far. I chuckled one day when I saw her taking a picture of Cheer Bear who she had propped up with a book facing the back door. There's a pic of that on dropshots. Oh - I also let her pick out her clothes and my clothes on her birthday! She picked a pink shirt and white skirt for herself, and red shirt and green capris for me. I know, I know...some of you may think that I ought to let her pick her clothes every day. Sorry...I'm just not that fun. She wouldn't necessarily pick seasonally appropriate attire..and I just don't want to go down that road just yet. I'm not up for fights every day in that dept. SO, I usually give her two choices. It works for now.

Speaking of birthdays, we had her party a week or so ago at New Bern Gymnastics Studio. Both of her grandmothers came into town and all of her friends came to her party! They tumbled and played and jumped and rolled! It was a lot of fun. There are some pics on dropshots of her party. Her cake was cute - a pink and green monogrammed purse! We didn't have a 'theme' for her party, but the decorations and food were pink and green. Watermelon and cantaloupe, ham and spinach pinwheels, strawberry bagels, and her purse cake were served with pink and green balloons and crepe paper in the background.

At her three year old doctor check, they asked several things to determine how her motor skills, language, etc are developing. My favorite question was when the doc asked me if she was using scissors well. My first thought was, well, no, it has honestly never occurred to me to give my two and a half year old scissors to practice cutting things with since I have a newborn in the house. So, Vivi probably couldn't pass the three year old scissor test, but I think she's doing okay. I have since gotten the kid scissors out of 'hiding' and we've practiced cutting some dotted lines on paper. I think she's doing well. But I'm still nervous about having scissors and a three year old loose in the house...with a baby...and a dog. Silly me. And don't worry - we have strict rules about scissor use. Never walk with them...only use them on paper...etc.

2. Bryton has had a hard time. After he fussed at me for about a week, I took him to the doc who gave him a couple of different antibiotics to help his eye goo (yucky snotty stuff coming out of his eye possibly due to a blocked tear duct). One was a gel that you had to squeeze out of the tube and put a half-inch ribbon in his eye 4 times a day. That's a lot of fun to do to a wiggly 5 month old with long eyelashes. The other was an oral antibiotic. Both were to help clear up any eye infection or skin infection that could be irritating his poor little eye. He did well for a couple of days, but I think the oral antibiotic started to upset his stomach some. So, he was a little unsettled the rest of the week that he was on that, but overall seemed to be feeling better. After we had finished the rounds of both medicines, he seemed to feel pretty good for a few days. But, this past week, he just had bouts of fussing fits that were just so uncharacteristic of him. He would usually stop crying after you picked him up, but I found it difficult to do several of our daily activities while holding an almost 20 lb child. Anyway, his eye looks a whole lot better, but his lower gum line looks suspicious...I don't feel any teeth yet, but have a feeling that they aren't far off. He's drooling up a storm, too. Yick. I don't like baby drool; although, it isn't as bad as other yuckies babies can put on ya...

Note - following paragraph may be a little TMI...

So anyway, it's been a rough week for mama and Bryton. Vivi has been on good behavior though...thanks V! Kyle was also working nights the past couple of weeks...that means he was home a little bit in the morning, but gone until usually by 7 - I was done! Bryton doesn't usually get up until 9 or 10, and Kyle was gone shortly after that for even though he was working less hours, I think we'd rather go back to the old schedule of having him home around 6 or 6:30. Anyway....V would be settling down for the night, but B would be fussing about something...and by 7 pm, I didn't care what he was fussing about anymore. Bryton spent some time in his room by himself. Usually while I was getting V put down to bed, or folding clothes, cleaning the kitchen, etc. In trying to figure out why he's starting now, I have a few ideas. It has just thrown me because he really didn't fuss much at all the first 4-5 months of his life. Only in the past month has he started having a problem with things. Maybe it's teeth? Maybe he's more aware of what he wants and feels that he gets a 'vote' in the Buchina household already? Or, maybe it's milk...I have noticed that my milk production has slowed down...possibly due to a decrease the amount of calories I'm eating (trying to get the last pound of pregnancy weight's been hanging on for dear life). I am now convinced that while exclusively nursing a baby, eating fewer calories decreases your milk supply before taking the pounds off. And, now that I think about it, I lost 7-8 pounds in about a four to six weeks after I stopped nursing Vivi...without really trying or doing anything different. Which, I know, is odd because 'exclusively nursing a baby uses 600 calories a day.' Well, if you aren't eating, your body is going to rebel on you and stop making milk instead of using your make the milk. During his fussy weeks, he was eating differently...stopping during a feeding and looking at me with a frowny face...then starting to eat again...then stopping a few seconds later and protesting again. And really - I know my production had decreased. So, I'm going to have to just give in I think because I really do want to nurse him until he's at least a year. I've been eating more the past 3-4 days and pumping after every feeding (getting to be a pain...but if it keeps the milk coming, I'll do it)...and I'm getting more milk. I have to keep telling myself that I'll have my body to myself one day....and that Bryton's our last baby (long, sad, but necessary story there) so I'll just have to keep it up a little longer and then it's just me for the rest of my days.

3. Funny things around the house? Vivi has been telling us that she needs some privacy. She'll go run to the potty and I'll go check on her and she'll say "I just need some privacy right now." Wish granted, little girl.

She has also gone from not only telling me what she wants, but what I want to. Like, she'll offer me a bite of her apple, and I'll say, "No thanks, Vivi...I don't want any apple right now." She'll respond in a sing song voice, "Yes, you do-oo." It's funny.

I know there are other funny things she's said lately...but can't think of anything specific to write. I'll be better about this in my next blog.

Kyle had a man-to-man talk with Bryton tonight. He was fussing tonight after we'd put Vivi to bed. We are still bathing him in the kitchen sink (in his bathtub) so in order to bathe him, the sink has to be cleaned out. So, while getting the clean dished unloaded to put the dirty ones from the sink into the dishwasher in order to make room for Bryton to get bathed, he was just laying on the floor a-wailing. He didn't want to be in his jumper or his Bumbo chair...didn't want to necessarily be held...just wanted to fuss. Seemed tired to me. But what do I know? Anyway, Kyle told him during his bath, "You know what they do with dogs who just keep barking and barking and barking and don't stop? They take them to the pound...or they shoot 'em!" Ha! I laughed. (ok...don't go calling CPS on us...Kyle wouldn't really shoot him...or take him to the pound)

4. Break!
With Kyle working nights for the past couple of weeks and Bryton fussing so much, I was really in desire of some quiet time. On Saturday afternoon, both of the kids were napping (at the same time...we're working on that one) and Kyle told me to leave. Not being able to decide what to do (something cheap or free is hard to figure out), I decided to just do some online shopping at Ann Taylor Loft, where I had a gift card (from mom for my birthday! thanks!). I looked online and saw that there was an Ann Taylor Loft store in Greenville...a hour away! So, I went to Greenville - had some nice quiet time! No ABC songs in the car, no diaper bag in was nice. I used my gift card (and more) at Ann Taylor Loft and also stopped at Once Upon a Child (near Loft...saw it as I was driving by). I found a cute pink winter coat for Vivi - NWT (for you non-ebayers, NWT means New With Tags) for $10 and one for Bryton for $10. They buy baby gear and sell it. If you are looking for used baby stuff near us, this is a good place. They had 5 exersaucers for around 30 each, pack and plays (didn't look at those prices), baby papasan seats, jumpers, boppys, etc. And clothes galore! It was very well organized, but you still had to pick through stuff. I mean, all of the clothes were by size and color and item...(i.e. all of the 12 month jeans were to the 12 month khaki to the 12 month jog sets, etc), but I wouldn't have been able to pick through anything with V and/or B with me. But, was able to get a couple of things going there solo. They buy baby stuff, consignment...they just buy things outright. Anyway, I headed back from Greenville and enjoyed a yummy juicy Kyle-grilled chicken breast for dinner. I didn't have to fix it or clean up after it and it tasted great.

Anyway, that's about all I can think of to say right now. I know that the 3 of you who read my blog are just dying for more...but my brain is gone for the night. I have to get it in gear for case B has another 'week.'

Monday, August 17, 2009


The morning after my brother's wedding, we got a call from Kyle's family, saying that his grandmother, Nana, had passed away. She was hospitalized the week earlier, and had done 'well' for a few days, but then progressively got worse. We were saddened to hear this news, but glad that she wasn't suffering.
I know a lot about Nana's personality, but my facts about her life might be somewhat off...please forgive me for that.
Nana brought sunshine to many lives. Kyle often talked about weekends in Mobile spent with his grandparents and cousins; playing Rummy-Kube (sp?), bowling, hunting for snakes in the backyard, etc. Nana was always such a wonderful caretaker. When I first met her, Grandpa was bedridden due to his stroke/heart attack and I watched her for years diligently take care of him. She couldn't help it - that was her nature. She and Grandpa married when she was around 17, give or take a year or two, and created a wonderful life together while seeing the world through the eyes of the 1940s (and 50s and 60s) Air Force. When I would go to Mobile, I always felt so welcome in her home - she made sure that all of her company was well taken care of. She always had such a great time with her 3 daughters, 8 grandkids, and 9 greatgrandchildren. Vivi always enjoyed sitting on her lap and at times riding on her walker. Nana just had such a loving and caring personality and was just a great lady to be in the presence of.
So Nana, even though your body is gone, we will remember your spirit throughout our lives and pass on your wonderful gifts and teaching to generations to come. Nana was buried with her new Bible, given to her by family as an 82nd birthday gift. Fitting for a woman of such grace.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wedding Weekend!!

Well, my brother married his beautiful bride this weekend! The weekend was so lovely and we thoroughly enjoyed our time in Detroit and getting to be part of their special day. Vivi did great at the rehearsal as the flower girl and enjoyed walking down the aisle with Ryan, the ring bearer. During the wedding, she was a little apprehensive about all of the eyes on her, and shook her head 'no' when everyone was waving her down the aisle. Anyway, she made it down and everything went off without a hitch.

The bride had a beautiful dress with a long train that sparkled so nicely! The bridesmaides wore periwinkle and the groomsmen had handsome black tuxes with periwinkle accents. Picture Perfect.

The reception hall was a site to see!!! White table linens, red and white flowers, and light blue/periwinkle accents throughout the room. It could not have been prettier. The food was wonderful and dancing was a blast! (Well, I did get kind of tired holding Vivi while dancing during song after song after song...she's 35+ lbs..sheesh!)

Everything for the wedding was just great with no major hiccups...well, I didn't see any at all...all weekend...except for....

The Raleigh Airport. On Friday, we drove from New Bern to Raleigh to catch our flight. It's about a 2 and a half hour drive. Not bad, especially when you have a less than 2 hour flight (no connections) waiting for you there. Anyway, as we are getting our bags out of the car and B in the stroller, we're getting ready to walk into the airport. I asked Kyle to grab the other suitcase out of the car. He looks in the car and says awful words. "Babe...there is no other suitcase in the car." Sure enough, our packed toiletry bag sat in our master bathroom; included are breast pump, insulin and diabetic supplies, and my make-up and hair arsenol. Oh yeah -and Kyle's shaving kit, etc. Thankfully, that was all it had in it. We had our wedding clothes, shoes, and wallets with us. We got on the plane with no problems and made it to our destination and met Evan and picked up our rental car. So far, so good..except for the forgotten bag.

And then there's Bryton.

He was not a happy camper. He was fine until Friday night at the dinner following the rehearsal. Then in an instant, he was not happy about life anymore. He cried and screamed and shrieked...for 45 unconsolable minutes. We took him outside and just held him, swayed with him, talked to him, etc. We finally gave up and left the dinner, went back to the hotel and put his pjs on him, fed him and put him to bed. So far so good until the next day.

He slept fine all night, but in the morning, after he ate, he fussed and fussed and fussed...not quite as intense as the previous night's episode, but he was still unsettled. Kyle dropped V and me off for pictures and he drove Bryton around the neighborhood. I think they stopped somewhere, too...not really sure. Point being, he had settled down. He also did fine during the wedding - got a little restless, but no screaming fits. After we got to the reception site, Kyle, V and I head off (in V's favorite mode of transportation, the golf cart) to take pictures on the beautiful golfing greens and rolling hills. Bryton had started fussing as Kyle was holding him and was just starting to wail as it was time for us to go for pictures. Poor Mom. Kyle hands Bryton off to her and he is just a wailing! We had pacifiers, diapers, blankets, infant Tylenol, etc...but, no bottle (the breast pump, mind you, is nicely packed in our toiletry bag in our master New Bern, NC). Who even knows if a bottle would have helped anyway?. So here's Mom in her very elegant pink gown holding a tomato red faced baby that is just unhappy about life. For 30 minutes. Screaming. He settled down by the time pictures were over, and then I fed him, and he was pretty settled for the rest of the night. So what was wrong with him? Well, I don't really know. He didn't nap all day Friday, and just napped a little bit on Saturday. I think there were just so many new things to look at that that he didn't feel like napping; until he was mad about it! And then he knew that he wasn't near his crib, or any of his usual surroundings...and got madder and madder. (Maybe he gets that from Kyle - he gets pretty cranky when he's tired too...) Little stinker. But anyway, we made it through the reception and he and Vivi had a great time. Bryton was pretty glassy eyed the whole time...he tried snoozing a few times, but never for very long. Vivi had a great time playing with Ryan, the ringbearer, and all of her relatives. She shared dinner with Aunt Cheryl and Granna, helped probably everybody eat dessert, and pulled quarters from behind Uncle Jim's ears. Then there was the dancing. She had a great time watching everyone dance, and even joined the 'family' dance when "Sweet Home Alabama" played - we thought it fitting that everyone from Alabama got out there and cut a rug.

Anyway, as much more as there is to say about the wedding, pretty much everyone who reads this blog was at the wedding....But Vivi had a great time and we really appreciate all of the extra hands who helped play with her, share their food, bring her birthday presents, and take pictures.

Evan and Colleen's wedding was just great and reception was absolutely beautiful. We are so honored to have been able to be a part of their special day. One thing that Evan and I both did was have anniversarys 5 days from our birthdays. Hmmm...

One more thing you might be asking...since probably less than 2 of you reading this blog have ever seen me without make up or hair somewhat fixed (well, we'll say "tamed"), you may be wondering about the forgotten toiletry bag....well, there was a Wal-Mart less than a mile from our hotel. So, on Friday night after we got the kids settled, I went to WM around midnight and stocked up, buying everything from mascara to deoderant and razors for Kyle.

Anyway, we had a great time at the wedding and thanks to Evan and Colleen for letting us be a part of it! We enjoyed Detroit and look forward to going back someday...but not during the winter (even though Evan and Colleen did come visit us in AZ in the summer...).

More posts later!


I have a lot to post about. I'm going to try to keep things in chronological order.

Last week, Vivi and I drove by an ambulance with its sirens on. Trying to teach her more about what ambulances were all about, I told her that there was a sick person in the ambulance and maybe we should say a prayer for the person inside, and for the people who were trying to help the sick person. She said that that sounded like a good idea.

A few seconds later, I hear her singing the ABC song. I look back at her in the mirror and see that she has her hands together in "prayer hand" stance. I asked her if she was singing the ABC song as a prayer for the sick person in the ambulance; she was.

Then, she tells me that the person was in the ambulance because they were 'be-bopping around.'
