Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wedding Weekend!!

Well, my brother married his beautiful bride this weekend! The weekend was so lovely and we thoroughly enjoyed our time in Detroit and getting to be part of their special day. Vivi did great at the rehearsal as the flower girl and enjoyed walking down the aisle with Ryan, the ring bearer. During the wedding, she was a little apprehensive about all of the eyes on her, and shook her head 'no' when everyone was waving her down the aisle. Anyway, she made it down and everything went off without a hitch.

The bride had a beautiful dress with a long train that sparkled so nicely! The bridesmaides wore periwinkle and the groomsmen had handsome black tuxes with periwinkle accents. Picture Perfect.

The reception hall was a site to see!!! White table linens, red and white flowers, and light blue/periwinkle accents throughout the room. It could not have been prettier. The food was wonderful and dancing was a blast! (Well, I did get kind of tired holding Vivi while dancing during song after song after song...she's 35+ lbs..sheesh!)

Everything for the wedding was just great with no major hiccups...well, I didn't see any at all...all weekend...except for....

The Raleigh Airport. On Friday, we drove from New Bern to Raleigh to catch our flight. It's about a 2 and a half hour drive. Not bad, especially when you have a less than 2 hour flight (no connections) waiting for you there. Anyway, as we are getting our bags out of the car and B in the stroller, we're getting ready to walk into the airport. I asked Kyle to grab the other suitcase out of the car. He looks in the car and says awful words. "Babe...there is no other suitcase in the car." Sure enough, our packed toiletry bag sat in our master bathroom; included are breast pump, insulin and diabetic supplies, and my make-up and hair arsenol. Oh yeah -and Kyle's shaving kit, etc. Thankfully, that was all it had in it. We had our wedding clothes, shoes, and wallets with us. We got on the plane with no problems and made it to our destination and met Evan and picked up our rental car. So far, so good..except for the forgotten bag.

And then there's Bryton.

He was not a happy camper. He was fine until Friday night at the dinner following the rehearsal. Then in an instant, he was not happy about life anymore. He cried and screamed and shrieked...for 45 unconsolable minutes. We took him outside and just held him, swayed with him, talked to him, etc. We finally gave up and left the dinner, went back to the hotel and put his pjs on him, fed him and put him to bed. So far so good until the next day.

He slept fine all night, but in the morning, after he ate, he fussed and fussed and fussed...not quite as intense as the previous night's episode, but he was still unsettled. Kyle dropped V and me off for pictures and he drove Bryton around the neighborhood. I think they stopped somewhere, too...not really sure. Point being, he had settled down. He also did fine during the wedding - got a little restless, but no screaming fits. After we got to the reception site, Kyle, V and I head off (in V's favorite mode of transportation, the golf cart) to take pictures on the beautiful golfing greens and rolling hills. Bryton had started fussing as Kyle was holding him and was just starting to wail as it was time for us to go for pictures. Poor Mom. Kyle hands Bryton off to her and he is just a wailing! We had pacifiers, diapers, blankets, infant Tylenol, etc...but, no bottle (the breast pump, mind you, is nicely packed in our toiletry bag in our master New Bern, NC). Who even knows if a bottle would have helped anyway?. So here's Mom in her very elegant pink gown holding a tomato red faced baby that is just unhappy about life. For 30 minutes. Screaming. He settled down by the time pictures were over, and then I fed him, and he was pretty settled for the rest of the night. So what was wrong with him? Well, I don't really know. He didn't nap all day Friday, and just napped a little bit on Saturday. I think there were just so many new things to look at that that he didn't feel like napping; until he was mad about it! And then he knew that he wasn't near his crib, or any of his usual surroundings...and got madder and madder. (Maybe he gets that from Kyle - he gets pretty cranky when he's tired too...) Little stinker. But anyway, we made it through the reception and he and Vivi had a great time. Bryton was pretty glassy eyed the whole time...he tried snoozing a few times, but never for very long. Vivi had a great time playing with Ryan, the ringbearer, and all of her relatives. She shared dinner with Aunt Cheryl and Granna, helped probably everybody eat dessert, and pulled quarters from behind Uncle Jim's ears. Then there was the dancing. She had a great time watching everyone dance, and even joined the 'family' dance when "Sweet Home Alabama" played - we thought it fitting that everyone from Alabama got out there and cut a rug.

Anyway, as much more as there is to say about the wedding, pretty much everyone who reads this blog was at the wedding....But Vivi had a great time and we really appreciate all of the extra hands who helped play with her, share their food, bring her birthday presents, and take pictures.

Evan and Colleen's wedding was just great and reception was absolutely beautiful. We are so honored to have been able to be a part of their special day. One thing that Evan and I both did was have anniversarys 5 days from our birthdays. Hmmm...

One more thing you might be asking...since probably less than 2 of you reading this blog have ever seen me without make up or hair somewhat fixed (well, we'll say "tamed"), you may be wondering about the forgotten toiletry bag....well, there was a Wal-Mart less than a mile from our hotel. So, on Friday night after we got the kids settled, I went to WM around midnight and stocked up, buying everything from mascara to deoderant and razors for Kyle.

Anyway, we had a great time at the wedding and thanks to Evan and Colleen for letting us be a part of it! We enjoyed Detroit and look forward to going back someday...but not during the winter (even though Evan and Colleen did come visit us in AZ in the summer...).

More posts later!

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