Monday, August 17, 2009


The morning after my brother's wedding, we got a call from Kyle's family, saying that his grandmother, Nana, had passed away. She was hospitalized the week earlier, and had done 'well' for a few days, but then progressively got worse. We were saddened to hear this news, but glad that she wasn't suffering.
I know a lot about Nana's personality, but my facts about her life might be somewhat off...please forgive me for that.
Nana brought sunshine to many lives. Kyle often talked about weekends in Mobile spent with his grandparents and cousins; playing Rummy-Kube (sp?), bowling, hunting for snakes in the backyard, etc. Nana was always such a wonderful caretaker. When I first met her, Grandpa was bedridden due to his stroke/heart attack and I watched her for years diligently take care of him. She couldn't help it - that was her nature. She and Grandpa married when she was around 17, give or take a year or two, and created a wonderful life together while seeing the world through the eyes of the 1940s (and 50s and 60s) Air Force. When I would go to Mobile, I always felt so welcome in her home - she made sure that all of her company was well taken care of. She always had such a great time with her 3 daughters, 8 grandkids, and 9 greatgrandchildren. Vivi always enjoyed sitting on her lap and at times riding on her walker. Nana just had such a loving and caring personality and was just a great lady to be in the presence of.
So Nana, even though your body is gone, we will remember your spirit throughout our lives and pass on your wonderful gifts and teaching to generations to come. Nana was buried with her new Bible, given to her by family as an 82nd birthday gift. Fitting for a woman of such grace.

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