Sunday, September 27, 2009

Take 2

Well, after the last outfit got ruined, I wanted to try again while the pattern was fresh on my mind. I think we have a winner! Bryton sported his new duds today - so handsome!

There are more pictures on our dropshots site - I'm blogging for the first time from our Mac...and my picture organization is set up a little different than before. Plus, I have no photo editing software :-(

Anyway, I'll write more later - just wanted to post about the outfit real quick! Yep - it's reversible!


  1. Glad y'all were able to get to the beach. Enjoyed Dropshots. So sorry that Bryton was sick. Hope everyone is better now. Enjoyed your soup on a drizzly evening this week.
    Love y'all. Aunt Cheryl

  2. Oops. Posted in the wrong spot. You are so talented with the outfits for the kids. (Must've gotten it from me,...since I can't do it).
