Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yes, an overused Mastercard slogan...but it fits.

1. Johnny Pattern - 12.99
2. Fabric for a Johnny pattern - 5.99/yd
3. Snaps for the outfit - 1.99? (honestly don't remember)
4. New marking pen - 1.99? (again...don't exactly remember)
5. Sewing the outfit during the Auburn game - 4 hours
6. Figuring out the pattern vs. the logical next step - 2 hours
7. Learning that snaps are very difficult to remove if not applied correctly - 1 hour...and some garden shears
8. Completing the first outfit you ever made for you son (with your very primitive sewing skills): PRICELESS!

Don't you love the lining - too cute!9. Seeing the rip in the strap just seconds after you asked you daughter to take it into the kitchen so you could take it to have it monogrammed while simultaneously hearing her sweet little voice say, "I stepped on it"...Also, PRICELESS.


  1. Great job, Leanna!! It is just too sweet!

  2. Look at you with your mad sewing skills! Can you teach me sometime? And please tell me that rip in the strap is fixable...? Sweet V didn't mean to! :-)

  3. Great Job!!!!!! Keep it up, the Johnny's get easier the more you do them. I would totally do some monogramming or appliques if you send me some stuff and what you want done.
