Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted! I've had lots to write about, just no time to do it. So, I have to first get to some documentation stuff - since I'll be using the blog to complete Bryton's baby book and to journal in the family scrapbooks. (Each kid gets a baby book that goes from birth to 1 year..then they join the family album. However, the family album from after Vivi turned one is essentially her 1st year album..all about her...anyway).
So, Bryton is almost 9 months! When he was 6 months and a couple of weeks, he had a check up and everything looked good. I started giving him baby organic oatmeal, mixed with breast milk. After a week or so of that, he started eating Gerber baby squash, sweet potatoes, peas, pears, carrots, green beans, apples, and bananas. I pretty much skipped over the 'size 1' baby foods and started him on 2s. He did pretty good with those. Then, I started making him some things - buying organic veggies and peeling them, boiling them, then putting them in the food processor adding some water that they were boiled in until the consistency looked right. He enjoyed that and it was kind of fun making it, although I'm not sure it was a cost saver. I made him carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, pears, plums, yellow squash, and peas. He's gobbled up pretty much everything I've given him, but you can't give him a bite of apples followed by a bite of squash. He'll prefer the apples, of course. But, he's done okay. He'll go through a 'no green veggie' phase for a day or two, then a 'no orange food' phase for a couple of days. Sometimes I'll mix some baby oatmeal into his veggies to thicken them up some. Oh -he loves avocado too - and it's pretty easy to prepare - just split in half, take the pit out, scoop the fruit out of the peel, then mash it up. He loves it! Now, he's eating Cheerios like a pro, Gerber puffs and yogurt melts (seriously - those things are expensive!), and some various other Gerber baby finger foods. I've given him diced bananas and canned peas and carrots. He's doing pretty good with that, but still hasn't master his pincer grasp yet..he can get the food to his mouth, but it's more of a scoop with the hand-see what gets in my mouth type of thing. Lexie thoroughly enjoys post meal time clean up. I'll stand him on the floor and pick the gummed sticky leftovers off of him and leave them on the floor for Lexie to dispose of.

What else? Hm...well, I've been taking a Photoshop class. My great friends Kelli and Kelley make this possible by offering child care and car seats and preschool pick up! It's been great - only for another couple of weeks or so. Hopefully I'll know all the tricks of the trade (ok, well, at least the basics) by the end. The curriculum isn't too advanced, but the instructor is a professional photographer who has all sorts of tricks up his sleeves - and he's willing to share.

Also, Kyle's in Yuma. He'll be there for about 5 weeks or so, coming back just before Christmas. We're down about 2 weeks, about 3 or so left. So far, so good. The kids have been challenging the past couple of days, but everyone is clean, fed, and alive. That counts for something, right? I've been scrap booking since Kyle's been gone - trying to catch up before he comes back! I'm in April of 2008 now and going quick - just paper, cropped pictures, and a journaling box on each page. The cute, clever stuff can be used once I'm 'caught up'. I'm documenting Bryton's 'accomplishments' in a great little calendar that one of my Aunt's gave me - the calendar pages can be torn out and put in a scrapbook - they are 12 x 12! I'm going to use them as page headers for B's book to start off each month.

Hm..Vivi's said some pretty comical things...but I can't really think of anything right now. She's enjoying listening to Christmas songs and is getting ready for Jesus's birthday. We will be heading to Birmingham around Dec 23 and will stay for a few days. Kyle doesn't have a bunch of leave to take, so I'm not sure how long we will stay. Hopefully long enough to see everyone!

Other exciting news? I've had a couple of people hire me to take pictures! I'm very excited and can't wait for my upcoming events. If you know anyone who needs a photographer in New Bern (or Birmingham during the week of Christmas), send em' my way!

Speaking of pics, here's one of Bryton -I like the 'conductor' effect it has - especially when you are listening to Christmas music. Oh yeah - he's also been kicking his legs to the beat of the music he hears...pretty cute. I'll try to get some video.

Anyway, I've got to go get ready for our Thanksgiving plans! Hope everyone has a great day!

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