Sunday, November 29, 2009

Just a Little Sass...

Well, I know I usually blog about the kids and try to keep my personal reflections to myself, but hey - it's my blog and I'll do what I want, right?
I also figure that since Kyle's gone, I don't have him to impart with my daily thoughts of my experiences, so thus I'm forced to share them with you. So, here goes. Big issues about rules and guilt about breaking them.

1. I did it. I was the english major who couldn't count...or maybe the math major who couldn't read...anyway, I got in the "15 items and under" line at the commissary (grocery store on base) when I knew very well that my cart had more than 15 items in it. Ha. I checked out hurriedly with 19 items, 2 quiet happy kids, sanitized cart handle (love the Target brand $1.00 sanitizer wipes...very convenient packaging that fits in my diaper bag perfectly), and bagged groceries in the back. Saved us at least 20 minutes. It was just a couple of days before Thanksgiving and I didn't need too many items...but everyone else in the store did. Had I waited in line with everyone else with 15+ items, we would have been risking being as happy at the end of checkout. Don't tell anyone - we might do it again, too. Ha-ha.

2. Following rules

If you know my family, you know that for the most part, we are rule followers. It's genetic. My mom is probably the ultimate one and her siblings are guilty as well. Here's what happened - one of my eye doctor appointments a few weeks ago was at Camp LeJeune - a large Marine Corps base about an hour from where we live. The opthamology clinic is on the 2nd floor. There's a stairwell near the clinic - the sign on the door reads "Fire Door - Keep Closed at All Times." So, Kyle decides that it's okay to open it and go down the stairs, but I questioned him because the sign said to keep the door closed at all times. Right? Anyway, I reluctantly agreed only to find that there were a couple of other people in the stairwell as well. I asked Kyle if I was the only one with this moral dilemma - he said that I was. Don't get me wrong - I understand the intent and purpose of a fire door. But I think the sign should read something like, "Fire Door. Do Not Prop Open. Keep Closed When Not Using It To Open And Close Immediately After Walking Through Quickly." Again, am I right?

3. Just Saying "NO!"

You know when you are checking out at Wal-Mart, and the credit card swipe machine asks you questions, like, "Was your store clean today?" and "Did your cashier greet you" ? Well, if the cashier hasn't greeted me, I always answer that she did and I give her a smile because I figure that she didn't greet me because she was having a bad day...or maybe her kids are sick, or her husband had to work late...I don't know. Anyway, I also don't know if the cashier has any idea if the customer is being asked a question and if so, what question is being asked, but I figure she can tell by the position of the stylus what my answer is. So, I NEVER answer NO because I don't want her to get mad at me, I guess. Am I really afraid of being grumped at while checking out at Wal-Mart? I guess the need-to-please disease runs rampant in my family too, along with the follow-the-rules disease. Anyway, I answered "NO" the other day - the cashier was not friendly, wasn't grumpy, but didn't greet me. And I felt sassy enough to answer NO. So there.

4. I love what?

I took the kids to Subway on base after picking Vivi up from preschool last week or so. I got them seated and got some Cheerios out for B and got Vivi busy with something...anyway, after getting our food and dispersing it out, I saw a guy and a girl (early 20s, probably) standing together in line. The guy was wearing a brown sweatshirt that said, "I love boobies" in bright yellow letters. I did a double take at first, wondering where in the world one would find a shirt like that. Then I remember feeling sad for the girl that was with him...I'm not a big fan of the graphic t-shirt, or sweat-shirt....although we do have a couple in our household. Kyle has a couple that are Jesus themed...not really a graphic shirt when its proclaiming a love of our Lord and Savior...Vivi has one that says something like "Everyone Loves a Princess" but she's 3 and not a big deal for her to wear one. I have one (don't ask me why) that says something like "Life is better blond." I haven't worn it for some time now, but don't really feel inclined to throw it out. Maybe it will serve as a mid-life crisis tee for me, or a 'my identity is lost to my kids' relief shirt. Who knows.

Anyway, I stared at this 'boobies' shirt a little too much - my bloodsugar was probably teetering on the verge of being low and I should have stopped looking at the other Subway patrons and eaten myself...but then I got tickled and thought that Bryton would probably enjoy wearing a shirt that said "I love boobies". There's an idea of a kitchy (sp?) onesie. I giggled for several minutes about that one. In fact, I'm giggling now!

A little more about the graphic tees - while I am usually not a big fan but I do however, love the pregnancy ones! I never could talk Kyle into wearing one, but I did find some cute ones online. One of my favorites said something like "The impregnater" and "He shoots, he scores", etc. The drawings were cute and the phrases were cute too, but never could talk Kyle into it. They had cute ones for the mama-to-be too (arrow pointing to the belly saying "just kicking," etc, but it just never struck me to get one for some reason.

Well, that's all the wisdom I can give you for now...hope you are having a great week!


  1. I laughed. Out loud. I think Bryton totally needs a shirt like that.

  2. If I hear of you going through the 15 or less item line with more than 15 items again,I will call the store manager and report you. Your Dad also follows rules.

    And about the stairwell door sign, everybody has to have some common sense. Since the door is there to protect a fire rated exit passage, then the sign really means "don't prop this door open", and most folks will be able to understand that translation from what the sign actually said.

  3. As I should ahve said above, don't be so tuugh oneverybody. And you can tone down the sass a little bit. You are just feeling your oats since Kyle is out of town!
