Thursday, December 17, 2009

Well, he did it! No pressure for me now or anything....

For Christmas, Kyle bought me a new camera and lens. I'm so excited and am sitting at the computer typing this with the camera sitting in my lap - kind of like a new baby. Although, I think Bryton's hospital bill was probably less than the camera and lens cost...but that's another story. (Granted - I loved my now 'old' camera..but just couldn't get it to perform in all lighting situations to my standards).
Anyway, I'm so excited and can't wait to build up my portfolio! If you live in the New Bern/Cherry Point area and want some pictures for homecomings, birthday parties, newborns, pregnancy, family pictures, etc...just let me know -and tell your friends, too. Also, I'll be in Birmingham for a week for Christmas and would very much like to include some familiar faces in my here's your warning - I'll have my camera with me every chance I get. :-)
So yes, Kyle just got back from Arizona yesterday - yipee! I'll post some of our 'mini-homecoming' pics on dropshots probably later today (taken one handed, holding a baby, with the 'old' camera). Well, I must leave you now to spend some quality time with my new camera - thanks, Kyle, for believing in and encouraging my photography! (Oh - and don't worry - the kids are asleep while I'm spending time with my new camera...I promise I won't forget the priorities!)

Oh - and if you have any recipes with rice and beans as the main ingredients - please send. Looks like we'll be eating a lot of that for a couple of months... :-)


  1. So, I'm now officially jealous. But...what do you plan on doing with that old one...? :-) I may be interested in buying it...........

  2. Leanna, that's awesome!!!! What camera did you get? I can't wait to see your photos, your photos with the old camera were AMAZING, I can't wait to see the new ones!!! What a sweet hubby! Mike got me the 85mm 1.8f lens for my birthday and I am loving it! Just haven't had much time or a still subject to practice with :).

  3. Thats great! What is the new camera? I am hopign to take a class this spring with our Canon Rebel so I can learn more abotu the settings! You are takign some exellent photos!
