Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Past Few Days

Well, this is probably the start of another boring blog, but I wanted to take a moment (while my angels are snoozing) to let you know what we did this past weekend -not that it's exciting, but I know some people want to know.

For starters, Kyle worked on Saturday morning. This is the 3rd or 4th weekend in a row that he's worked. Plus, he's at work for about 12 hours every day (except for the weekend days). It looks like his lovely Yuma schedule is back. Goody.

So, I turned 30 on Saturday - it doesn't feel any different. I felt like I was about 50 during the last 2 months of my pregnancy, so turning 30 was a breeze. Vivi and I went and got our nails done. She had a great time and as soon as we got to the nail place, she said, "I'm so excited!" The lady filed, buffed, and polished her nails and Vivi ate it all up! She did a good job holding her nails in front of the fan while they dried. There was a wives' club meeting scheduled for that night, but with Kyle working that morning, I wasn't able to get done some things I needed to get to until later in the day, so I was just running way behind and wasn't able to get myself and 2 kiddos ready to get to the meeting in any kind of timely fashion (the meeting was about 45 minutes away from where we live). Ordinarily I would enjoy some alone time in the car, but just wasn't able to pull it off this weekend. Instead, Kyle and I went to dinner with friends (in New Bern). We went to Morgan's and it was fabulous. I had their mediterranean salad - grilled chicken with feta cheese, pineapples, and strawberries. I highly recommend it. When we finished with dinner, we went to the waterfront area in New Bern and took some pics of Bryton (Vivi was at Playdate) and mom. I think they turned out pretty good - you'll have to check them out on dropshots. I'm thinking about doing a black and white collage in his room using some of them.

On Sunday, we went to church (which we are enjoying - it was our second visit) and then to Best Buy. Kyle wanted to get me a camera for my birthday. I love my SLR, but it's too big to keep in the diaper bag and I want to have one with me at all times for those moments when the kids are being especially cute or naughty. Gotta document that stuff. So, we got one at Best Buy (Canon Powershot 880IS), despite the annoying sales guy who tried to get me to purchase the 8gig memory card. How many times can I say, "No, I think 4 will be enough. My SLR only has a 2 gig and that's PLENTY big enough for what I use it for." Did he speak English? Well, he spoke it but maybe just didn't understand it. I got annoyed with him for not leaving me alone about that and a camera bag. Sheesh! If I gave him a dollar, I wonder if that would have shut him up? I do not like salespeople as a general rule. Kyle now hands the phone to Vivi when a telemarketer calls. Anyway, after our stop at Best Buy, we went to the beach. The weather was GREAT and we had fun, despite not having appropriate footwear for the sand and shell terrain (the beach was an unplanned stop). After that, we came home and did some laundry.

Monday was pretty uneventful. I did enjoy listening to Kyle's after work work calls. With his work responsibilities increasing, he is on the phone at night often with other coworkers. During his conversations, these are the names I hear. It's pretty comical because he refers to everyone by their call signs. Some of the ones I can recall are: Dingle, Doucy, Spool, Butt, Trout, Goat, Mango, Special, Postal, Cooter, Bunzo, Sleepy, Donut, Catbox. There are countless others that I hear, just can't recall them. It almost sounds like a children's story: Once upon a time, Trout and Goat were trying to get a Donut from Sleepy. Oh well.

Other than that, we had an ant infestation last week - more on that later! Vivi's up from her nap.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 7th Anniversary!

Well, April sure is a busy month for us. I wanted to take the time to include a Happy Anniversary video. I just pulled a few photos of us since our wedding back in 2002. We've been through a lot together. We've lived in 4 states (5 if you count Alabama), moved 5 times, had 2 successful but difficult pregnancies, not lived together for almost 2 years of our marriage (thanks to Kyle's mistress, the big gray airplane...haha), learned how to be parents together, attended countless churches, driven through several states, made countless friends, had a few fights, burned a few meals, laughed together, suffered together, loved together, committed through it all. We've been so blessed to have a solid relationship and I am very blessed to have such a great husband who takes care of me through all of life's turmoils. Military lifestyle is difficult at times, but the constant moving has forced us to depend on each other for pretty much everything. When military life gets hard, I rejoice in the strength of our relationship that has been shaped by the Marine Corps. I'm glad to be married to one of the 'few and the proud,' but much more to be married to Kyle. He's my best friend, whether we are on the same continent or not. Hope you enjoy the video.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Apostrophe Use

There is a sign near the main gate entry point of base. It's an advertisement for AT&T. I wish I had a picture of it to share, but sadly, I don't. The interesting thing about this sign is the incorrect use of 2 apostrophes. Now, I concede that in reading through my blog, you'll find grammatical errors. However, it's a blog, not a printed vinyl sign advertising my business.
Anyway, the first line of the sign reads "FREE PHONE'S". So, it makes me wonder what is free about the phones? The buttons? Should it read FREE PHONE'S BUTTONS? The second line of the sign reads "DISCOUNT TO MILITARY EMPLOYEE'S". I realize that grammar and writing are not my strong subjects, but, this sign makes me want to pull into the parking lot with a big sharpie and fix it. Apostrophes generally show possession (or contractions), not plurality. You would think that whoever ordered the sign would have known better...OR the publisher of the sign would have thought to check for correctness. But, no one did, so the poor sign sits there with two lonely abused apostrophes. I'm glad to get that off my chest. Whew.

Now, here's an appropriate use of an apostrophe. Kyle's Flight Crap. This is the title of a new file folder I put in the file cabinet. Unless you have the honor of living with one of the world's best aviators, you probably don't realize how many random scraps of paper I pick up around the house weekly that have something to do with Kyle's job. What should I do with them? I ask Kyle to go through and see what is trash and what he'd like to hang on to. These papers end up in a stack on the stairs. So, instead of trying to weed through them myself and figure out what is trash and what is keep, what has important information on it, and what doesn't, I finally started a folder, abbreviated KFC - short for Kyle's Flight Crap. This is the correct use of an apostrophe.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I thought I'd blog a couple of funny things that Vivi has done recently. In posting, I realize that this is a post more for the grandparents than anyone... :-)

Anyway, while we were driving the other day, Vivi kept on pushing the window button in the car. I had it locked from the driver's seat, so nothing happened when she pushed it. She told me that it was broken and that I needed to fix it. I told her that it wasn't broken, but I had just locked it. She said that it needed batteries - then it would work again. It made me laugh.

We ate spaghetti for dinner tonight, along with green beans and cheese toast (per Kyle's request). Towards the end of the meal, Vivi still hadn't eaten her cheese toast, so Kyle asked her if he could eat it. She picked up the toast, took a bite, then handed it to him, saying "it's nice to share." Ha!

Vivi is very observant. She was petting Lexie the other day (Lexie was in Kyle's lap). She started petting her chest and then moved her hand down her belly (Lex was on her back). Kyle told her not to pet her too far down, and Vivi said "That's where Lexie goes potty." Again, HA!

Nature vs. Nurture...
After her bath, I was drying Vivi's hair in the bathroom. After we were done, I noticed a very small spider. I asked her if she wanted to see it and she said yes! She saw it and for a second was delighted to see such a creature. Then, as if she realized that she was a girl and 'supposed' to be afraid of bugs, she went squealing out of the room telling Kyle that she got scared of the spider. Now keep in mind, I haven't squealed at a bug for a while...she just knew somehow that she should be afraid of the spider (again, very small...).

Well, I can't think of any more 'funnies' right now, but if I do, I'll write them too.

Have a great day!!

Happy Due Date!

Well, my official due date was April 10 - just a couple of days ago! And, Bryton is now officially one month old. As my obstetrician said at my one week post-op appointment, "You don't know how glad I am that you aren't pregnant anymore." Me too, Dr. R., me too. I might have mentioned his statement in a previous blog; sorry if it's a repeat for ya! It was just so funny when he said it.

I can't believe that it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. There's a lot to catch up on!

Last week was spring break here in NC. So, that meant no preschool for Vivi. We had a good week, but just got a little restless. The weather wasn't great last week so we didn't get to go outside much. Vivi had a good time last week, despite a little cabin fever. We got to go Pump It Up and she had a great time (that's aka the jumpy place as referred to in a previous post). We also went to the bowling alley. That outing wasn't as fun. Vivi didn't understand why every turn wasn't her turn. Vivi bowled a frame, then mom, then Vivi, then dad. But she didn't like letting mom and dad have turns. She did, however, enjoy carrying her bowling ball (6 lb) from the ball collection place to the lane. They had a little ball 'stilt' if you will, where you set the ball on the top of the stilt, aim it, and then roll it down the stilt's incline. Great for 2 year old bowlers. Anyway, we were glad for that outing to be over. She just wasn't being a team sport! Maybe next time.

Bryton went to the doctor last week for another weight check. He weighed in at 9 lbs, 10 oz. That means that he had gained almost 2 oz a day since his previous weight check. The doctor thought everything looked good and was pleased to see his weight gain and said that it looked like he had hit his stride. (By the way, he pooped and peed on the nurse that measured and weighed him this time too!) He's eating about every 3.5 hours during the day (sometimes 4), and most nights goes for 5 hour stretches at a time. Most of the time he sleeps all night, just fussing to eat at those times. But, occasionally he'll start fussing 2 hours after his last feeding. I don't think he's hungry those times, especially if I know that he's eaten well at the last feeding. So, we'll go check on him and change him and he usually settles down. So, I think we are getting a reasonable amount of sleep for having a one month old. He still sleeps most of the time during the day, but I've been trying to keep him awake for periods during the day. That helps him really want to sleep at night. He's starting to get into a routine; he has awake times during the morning and evenings. If I can just keep him awake during those times, he does really well at night.

Vivi on the other hand is getting up during the night. She's afraid of the dark suddenly. We have 2 night lights in her room, but if she hears an airplane flying overhead, or if it is raining and thundering, then she gets scared and runs into our room. So, she's getting up more often during the night than Bryton is. Hmmm...

Life as a mom of 2 isn't too different than being a mom of 1, so far anyway. It's just a matter of not having enough hands at times. For example, I have 3 boxes of things that need to be taken to the post office and mailed out, just not enough hands to figure out how to take 3 boxes, Vivi, and Bryton into the post office. And stand in line without dropping Bryton or a box or letting Vivi make 'friends' with everyone else who is standing in line. If the post office here had an automated postage printing label maker, I would use it. But, they don't. I still have negative reminders of the Yuma post office - during the winter (snow bird season) there was always a line of 10+ people. And everyone had complex mailing scenarios. They were sending items to Canada...or Mexico..or anywhere that needed 3 forms filled out to send. Anyway, I'll get them sent out one day. Other than that, the biggest change is the amount of laundry. There sure is a lot of laundry for such a little guy! Ok, maybe I wash his things excessively...I wash every blanket and burp cloth that I can find when I wash his clothes. He doesn't really spit up, so the burp cloths aren't soiled (especially the car seat ones that rarely touch him) and the blanket in his crib shouldn't be dirty, but I throw it in the wash too. He still soils his changing pad cover on a regular basis. I did go a whole week without getting peed on! But, that record was stopped yesterday. He got me. Oh well.

We 'hid' Easter eggs in the backyard for Vivi. She was in kind of a foul mood the day we did that, so the Easter egg hunt wasn't as magical as I had hoped. I wanted to get some cute pictures of her picking up the eggs, but the pictures weren't great. Maybe we'll have Easter Egg Hunt re-enactment day sometime when she's in a better mood.

One more bit of news - Vivi has a new cousin! Caleigh Elizabeth was born a little more than a week ago! Congratulations to Cameron (Kyle's younger brother) and Dana. We can't wait to meet you, Caleigh!

I went to pick Vivi up from school today and when I got there, she was wearing a white undershirt (not the pink cupcake shirt I sent her to school in). Her teacher said that she soaked herself playing in the sink in the bathroom. She had a great time. I apologized to her teacher and put a change of clothes in her book bag for next time.

Well, that's about all I can think of for now. More next time!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Well, we haven't been teaching Vivi any of the states locations, etc. But, she knows that we live in North Carolina, and her grandparents live in Alabama. A few days ago, she asked if we could go to Alabama. I told her that we wouldn't be able to go for a while. She said "Oh...Alabama is closed." This response probably came from us telling her that Pump It Up (the jumpy place, as she calls it) is closed. She's asked to go several times, but I can't really play with her there...chasing her through the obstacles (yet...still recovering a little) and they are open only one or two nights a week. So, every time she asks to go, they are closed. We'll go this weekend I think. But anyway, I guess she thinks that we can't take her places b/c they are closed. Including Alabama. Maybe I should get a map of the US.

Anyway, Bryton went today for another weight check - he's gained an ounce a day since last weeks' weight check, which is what they like to see. He's getting big, but still not up to his birth weight yet. He was 8 lbs, 15 ozs today. The doctors say that that's normal of pre-term babies, especially bigger ones, to lose more weight and be a little slower to put it back on. They are typically lazy eaters until they get to 38-39 gestational weeks, which is where Bryton is now. We're doing good and he's getting more and more interested in eating. It's hard to believe that he was bigger than he is now when I was carrying him around on the inside. I think we are all grateful that he's on the outside, and doing well!

We still haven't gotten used to the little surprises little boys sprinkle you with every time you change their diapers. Does that eventually stop? If so, when? He got the nurse today at the doctor...with pee and poop. Ha! I'm glad it's not just me.

Well, not much else to say....Oh...we took Vivi to the ER a couple of nights ago. During the day Wednesday, she told me she was cold, so I put a sweater on her, noticing that her skin felt warm. I took her temp and it was 102.4. So, I gave her some Motrin. We went on with our day - she was playing like normal and never would admit that anything felt bad. I kept on with the Motrin/Tylenol; she would cool down a bit (never back to 98.6), but then go back up. Later that evening, she was burning up, so we took her temp again and it was 103.7 in one ear and 104.1 in the other. Yikes! We called the nurses help line at her pediatrician who said to take her to the ER. So, I took her in and they said that it looked like it was a virus of sorts and just keep on alternating the Tylenol with the Motrin every 4 hours (which is what I'd done all day). So, we came home and I put her to bed. I woke her up during the night to give her more Tylenol, and by the morning, she was as cool as could be, and has been ever since. Her appetite was down during the day she had fever, but returned to normal the next day. So far, so good. It turns out that 3 or 4 other kids in her preschool class had the same thing...just a fever for a few hours, but no other symptoms.

Nothing new with Kyle or me. We are enjoying the spring time weather (today) and hoping that it stays that way. We like watching some TV during the week. We watch The Biggest Loser, Lost, Friday Night Lights, The Office, and I like American Idol. We set them up to record and watch them after we put Vivi to bed. What did we do before DVR (well, while we were in Alabama, we'd watch the shows online later in the week). Anyway, it's nice to be able to put Vivi down and fold some laundry and feed Bryton while we enjoy a hour of TV. Then Bryton goes to bed, then mom and dad! He's slept 5 hours at night a couple of times in the past week; it's usually just 3.5-4. I try not to let him go too long without eating, but now that he's getting better at eating and getting full, I feel okay with letting him go longer at night (and weight check indicated he was getting enough). Kyle goes to get him and brings him to me. I feed him, then Kyle changes him and puts him back to bed.

Other than that, we are doing well. I can't wait to get back to the gym, but it's a little tough with little guy now. We've been going for walks after dinner, but I'm definitely an inside/AC/TV exerciser. Plus, all that extra humidity kills my hair. We had an opportunity to get a treadmill from Kyle's brother while we were in Birmingham, but we don't have anywhere to put it here. We opted to put a kitchen table in the kitchen (yes, after living here 5 months, we finally got a kitchen table) instead of a treadmill. (the table we had in our kitchen in Yuma is in the dining room now...covered with scrapbook stuff! yay!)

Anyway, that's all for now! Have a great week!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


That's what we woke up to a couple of nights ago. Vivi came into our room around 3 am saying that she had burped. We were a little amused at this until we went to her room to realize that her meaning of the word 'burp' actually meant vomited. We got to work changing her sheets, washing and drying wooly (her stuffed sheep that she sleeps with every night) and giving her a bath. It was just the one time that she got sick - maybe she ate too much fruit at dinner?? Anyway, she's all better now.

Other than that, we are doing well adjusting to life with 2 kids! Bryton is 3 weeks old today and doing well. He's getting more interested in eating and is awake for small spurts during the day. He went to the pediatrician for a weight check last Friday and will go again tomorrow. The pediatrician says that he's doing well.

Vivi is getting back into her normal routine. She embraced her class at school again and really enjoyed seeing her old friends. She enjoyed having Dad at home, but it's probably best that he's back at work. She knows there are some things that she can get away with with Dad, but not with Mom. She's transitioning pretty good. (Although, I had to stop at Target for diapers yesterday and bribed her with a muffin while we shopped.) She's getting to be pretty comical lately with what she says. For instance, she has a small scratch on her hand. She pointed to her boo-boo, kissed it, and then said that I needed to take her for an x-ray. Ha!

Well, I can't think of much else to say - our move back to North Carolina has been pretty seamless. It did take us a few days to get everything unpacked and put away. But, we are all settled now! Whew!

I haven't been taking a lot of pictures lately, but now that things have wound down some, I'll be able to post more on our dropshots site.

Check back for more!