Wednesday, April 1, 2009


That's what we woke up to a couple of nights ago. Vivi came into our room around 3 am saying that she had burped. We were a little amused at this until we went to her room to realize that her meaning of the word 'burp' actually meant vomited. We got to work changing her sheets, washing and drying wooly (her stuffed sheep that she sleeps with every night) and giving her a bath. It was just the one time that she got sick - maybe she ate too much fruit at dinner?? Anyway, she's all better now.

Other than that, we are doing well adjusting to life with 2 kids! Bryton is 3 weeks old today and doing well. He's getting more interested in eating and is awake for small spurts during the day. He went to the pediatrician for a weight check last Friday and will go again tomorrow. The pediatrician says that he's doing well.

Vivi is getting back into her normal routine. She embraced her class at school again and really enjoyed seeing her old friends. She enjoyed having Dad at home, but it's probably best that he's back at work. She knows there are some things that she can get away with with Dad, but not with Mom. She's transitioning pretty good. (Although, I had to stop at Target for diapers yesterday and bribed her with a muffin while we shopped.) She's getting to be pretty comical lately with what she says. For instance, she has a small scratch on her hand. She pointed to her boo-boo, kissed it, and then said that I needed to take her for an x-ray. Ha!

Well, I can't think of much else to say - our move back to North Carolina has been pretty seamless. It did take us a few days to get everything unpacked and put away. But, we are all settled now! Whew!

I haven't been taking a lot of pictures lately, but now that things have wound down some, I'll be able to post more on our dropshots site.

Check back for more!

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