Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I thought I'd blog a couple of funny things that Vivi has done recently. In posting, I realize that this is a post more for the grandparents than anyone... :-)

Anyway, while we were driving the other day, Vivi kept on pushing the window button in the car. I had it locked from the driver's seat, so nothing happened when she pushed it. She told me that it was broken and that I needed to fix it. I told her that it wasn't broken, but I had just locked it. She said that it needed batteries - then it would work again. It made me laugh.

We ate spaghetti for dinner tonight, along with green beans and cheese toast (per Kyle's request). Towards the end of the meal, Vivi still hadn't eaten her cheese toast, so Kyle asked her if he could eat it. She picked up the toast, took a bite, then handed it to him, saying "it's nice to share." Ha!

Vivi is very observant. She was petting Lexie the other day (Lexie was in Kyle's lap). She started petting her chest and then moved her hand down her belly (Lex was on her back). Kyle told her not to pet her too far down, and Vivi said "That's where Lexie goes potty." Again, HA!

Nature vs. Nurture...
After her bath, I was drying Vivi's hair in the bathroom. After we were done, I noticed a very small spider. I asked her if she wanted to see it and she said yes! She saw it and for a second was delighted to see such a creature. Then, as if she realized that she was a girl and 'supposed' to be afraid of bugs, she went squealing out of the room telling Kyle that she got scared of the spider. Now keep in mind, I haven't squealed at a bug for a while...she just knew somehow that she should be afraid of the spider (again, very small...).

Well, I can't think of any more 'funnies' right now, but if I do, I'll write them too.

Have a great day!!

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