Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Past Few Days

Well, this is probably the start of another boring blog, but I wanted to take a moment (while my angels are snoozing) to let you know what we did this past weekend -not that it's exciting, but I know some people want to know.

For starters, Kyle worked on Saturday morning. This is the 3rd or 4th weekend in a row that he's worked. Plus, he's at work for about 12 hours every day (except for the weekend days). It looks like his lovely Yuma schedule is back. Goody.

So, I turned 30 on Saturday - it doesn't feel any different. I felt like I was about 50 during the last 2 months of my pregnancy, so turning 30 was a breeze. Vivi and I went and got our nails done. She had a great time and as soon as we got to the nail place, she said, "I'm so excited!" The lady filed, buffed, and polished her nails and Vivi ate it all up! She did a good job holding her nails in front of the fan while they dried. There was a wives' club meeting scheduled for that night, but with Kyle working that morning, I wasn't able to get done some things I needed to get to until later in the day, so I was just running way behind and wasn't able to get myself and 2 kiddos ready to get to the meeting in any kind of timely fashion (the meeting was about 45 minutes away from where we live). Ordinarily I would enjoy some alone time in the car, but just wasn't able to pull it off this weekend. Instead, Kyle and I went to dinner with friends (in New Bern). We went to Morgan's and it was fabulous. I had their mediterranean salad - grilled chicken with feta cheese, pineapples, and strawberries. I highly recommend it. When we finished with dinner, we went to the waterfront area in New Bern and took some pics of Bryton (Vivi was at Playdate) and mom. I think they turned out pretty good - you'll have to check them out on dropshots. I'm thinking about doing a black and white collage in his room using some of them.

On Sunday, we went to church (which we are enjoying - it was our second visit) and then to Best Buy. Kyle wanted to get me a camera for my birthday. I love my SLR, but it's too big to keep in the diaper bag and I want to have one with me at all times for those moments when the kids are being especially cute or naughty. Gotta document that stuff. So, we got one at Best Buy (Canon Powershot 880IS), despite the annoying sales guy who tried to get me to purchase the 8gig memory card. How many times can I say, "No, I think 4 will be enough. My SLR only has a 2 gig and that's PLENTY big enough for what I use it for." Did he speak English? Well, he spoke it but maybe just didn't understand it. I got annoyed with him for not leaving me alone about that and a camera bag. Sheesh! If I gave him a dollar, I wonder if that would have shut him up? I do not like salespeople as a general rule. Kyle now hands the phone to Vivi when a telemarketer calls. Anyway, after our stop at Best Buy, we went to the beach. The weather was GREAT and we had fun, despite not having appropriate footwear for the sand and shell terrain (the beach was an unplanned stop). After that, we came home and did some laundry.

Monday was pretty uneventful. I did enjoy listening to Kyle's after work work calls. With his work responsibilities increasing, he is on the phone at night often with other coworkers. During his conversations, these are the names I hear. It's pretty comical because he refers to everyone by their call signs. Some of the ones I can recall are: Dingle, Doucy, Spool, Butt, Trout, Goat, Mango, Special, Postal, Cooter, Bunzo, Sleepy, Donut, Catbox. There are countless others that I hear, just can't recall them. It almost sounds like a children's story: Once upon a time, Trout and Goat were trying to get a Donut from Sleepy. Oh well.

Other than that, we had an ant infestation last week - more on that later! Vivi's up from her nap.


  1. Hey,watch it about those "50" comments.
    Sounds like y'all had fun---a good kind of tired. Happy Birthday!
    Love you.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! It was great seeing you guys on Sunday. I tried e-mailing you, but I guess the one I have isn't correct. Can you e-mail me so I can have it? eccapps@hotmail.com. I am trying to get a weekly playdate started and I wanted to let you know about it if you want to come.

  3. We have the 880IS too! Love it for those times I don't feel like lugging the big camera around. So we are both in the big 3-0 club now...crazy. Hugs all around.
