Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 7th Anniversary!

Well, April sure is a busy month for us. I wanted to take the time to include a Happy Anniversary video. I just pulled a few photos of us since our wedding back in 2002. We've been through a lot together. We've lived in 4 states (5 if you count Alabama), moved 5 times, had 2 successful but difficult pregnancies, not lived together for almost 2 years of our marriage (thanks to Kyle's mistress, the big gray airplane...haha), learned how to be parents together, attended countless churches, driven through several states, made countless friends, had a few fights, burned a few meals, laughed together, suffered together, loved together, committed through it all. We've been so blessed to have a solid relationship and I am very blessed to have such a great husband who takes care of me through all of life's turmoils. Military lifestyle is difficult at times, but the constant moving has forced us to depend on each other for pretty much everything. When military life gets hard, I rejoice in the strength of our relationship that has been shaped by the Marine Corps. I'm glad to be married to one of the 'few and the proud,' but much more to be married to Kyle. He's my best friend, whether we are on the same continent or not. Hope you enjoy the video.


  1. Happy Anniversary guys! Leanna, you always find the cutest things! I love the pictures.

  2. Happy Anniversary!

    You guys are so great together!
