Thursday, June 11, 2009

Three Months!

Well, today Bryton is 3 months old! Phew! I don't have a lot of time to blog right now, but wanted to at least mention this milestone! He gets more and more handsome every day; looking at his picture, don't you want to just gobble him up? He's such a social little thing - loves being talked to and being part of the action. He loves for Vivi to talk to him...although most of what she says is, "Hi little boy...Hi Mr. B (what I call him sometimes)'s okay - don't be scared of the thunder (she says that to Lexie, Cheer Bear, and Wooly too)." It's getting more difficult to get a picture of him smiling..he doesn't like for me to 'hide' behind the camera, especially after I've been talking to him eye to eye. He fusses at me for that.
Anyway, he really is a sweet boy...or maybe I'm just treasuring his sweetness more because Vivi is not at her sweetest right now...she has had a pretty good week since Kyle came back (he got in Saturday night) but still has her challenging 2 (almost 3) year old moments. I can't think of anything funny she's said lately...I'll be sure to post it when I do.
I'm sure you also want to know about my scrap booking progress....well, I'm halfway through December 2007. Thanks to my wonderful husband who has bathed the kids and watched them after dinner and done pretty much everything for them until they go to sleep (except nurse Bryton...I guess that'd be asking a lot..haha) I've been able to scrapbook a couple of nights this week. So, I'm making progress....I'm definitely in the quick pages mode - just pasting the pictures on with some pretty paper. Don't worry - I'm journaling, too, just abbreviated versions.
Well, that's all for now...gonna clean up a little while Mr. B is snoozing!

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