Monday, June 8, 2009

You'd Think I'd Learn a Lesson

Well, today marks the second time that I've washed a pull-up. In the past week. Several days ago, I washed Vivi's clothes, and when I went to put them in the dryer, I noticed a gummy-gel like substance on the clothes. It didn't take me long to figure out what it was. Part of what makes today's diapers so wonderful are these little gel-like beads that absorb liquid. Florists are now using these beads in the vases of their flowers to help them retain moisture/absorb extra liquid. Anyway, just now, I opened the washer to find this gel material all over her newly washed clothes...again. Last time, I ran a couple of rinse and spin cycles and that seemed to get rid of the gel coating that was all over her stuff. So, as I type, the washer is rinsing and spinning.

How could this happen? Well, Vivi's getting up earlier and earlier. So, in the morning, she likes to play dress up with whatever clothes she can find. No, she doesn't have actual dress up clothes, and I'm not sure why - I just don't see a bin of princess gowns in the toy section of Target, I guess. Anyone have any used ones you want to send our way? :-) So, she gets clothes from her laundry basket (located in her closet) and wrangles them on, usually improperly, and comes to show me her latest princess look. Well, she takes her pajamas off and dutifully puts them in the laundry basket - along with her pull ups. Don't worry - they are not used - she's doing really well at staying dry all night. (When she first wakes up, she comes to my room - with her pjs and pull-up on - and then goes to use our bathroom. After that is when she wanders off and starts her day of dress up). So, putting her clothes in the washer today, I didn't notice the incognito pull-up located in the mix. Hence, the rinse and spin cycle.

Here's the real question: how many pull ups will I wash before I learn to check the clothes basket?


  1. Good gravy, I've yet to experience that because we haven't started potty training just yet. Thanks for the heads up!

    Congrats on your baby boy! Are you guys still in Yuma? We really miss the place, believe it or not.

    Thank you so much for taking the time and coming over to say hello. Can't put a price on peace of mind for a hormonal pregnant woman! I'm so glad you did! I would love to keep up with your fam as well, if you don't mind.

  2. leanna,

    guess what we did on sunday night? WASHED A PULL UP. it's not you, it must be contagious! do you have one of those swine flu masks?

    how is the b-man?

