Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hiney Button

Well, I have lots to blog about, but just not much time to do it. SOO, I'll leave you with a 'funny' from V.

Kyle got home Sunday night. Yipee! He got in around 10 p. I got the kids up and they played for a few minutes...and then went back to bed.

Fast forward to Monday night...Kyle's giving the kids a bath. I'm in V's room (close to the bathroom) putting clothes away, and I hear him exclaim, "No Viv! Don't touch that!". Since Kyle rarely raises his voice, I ran in to see what was going on.  Sure enough, Bryton was playing with his 'tally-whacker' (the Evans family knows what that means...the rest of y'all can make an educated guess). He was poking it...in, out, in, out... So, seeing this, what does V decide to do? The same that B was doing...but as soon as she reached for it, Kyle stopped her. After he did, V said, "Daddy, I just wanted to push his hiney button." LOL! What an appropriate phrase. I took that opportunity to give her the correct term and tell her that B can touch his, and she can touch hers, but nobody ever touches anyone elses. She seemed satisfied with that response.

I'll try to blog more later!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I'm Guilty!

Well, I have a couple of things to write about...I'm guilty on a couple of accounts.

First, I have been the 'car mom' all week! Kyle left for AZ last week, so we are one week down, six to go. I've had 2 urgent care visits....one was for a stomach bug that lasted about 5 days (yuck!)....finally went to the urgent care center and got a bag of iv fluids and some zofran...felt like a new person the next day. Then, I went two days ago because of excruciating pain in both ankles. I originally attributed it to the extra fluid they had given me in the iv...because the pain started right after my first urgent care visit. Anyway, after about 5 days of that, I went back to the urgent care center, and doc said to stop running for about a week, and then just gradually build back up, backing off every time I felt ankle pain. SO, my next workout was eight elliptical miles and ended with no ankle pain! (also, may I say, it's amazing how many more miles you can crank out on an elliptical rather than a treadmill) My past treadmill workouts ended with me not being able to bend my ankles for a couple of hours afterwards...just limping along...walking slower that Bryton. Whew! I've been logging some treadmill time for about the past 6 weeks...we joined the YMCA late spring and have been really pleased with it! There is childcare on site, and there's a pool a year long!

So, being the car mom...meaning I've been toting the kids places and just dropping them off somewhere while I got "my" stuff done. Vivi's been in preschool some weeks this summer....it's three days a week for three hours. While she is there, Bryton and I go to the Y...I drop him off at the childcare there, and then hit the gym. Then, we come home, he has 'independent' play time while I shower and freshen up, then we pick up V. After lunch and naptime, Vivi has had afternoon swim lessons. SO, we head to the Y again, and I drop Bryton off at the childcare there, and go watch V at swim class. That has been our 'normal' the past 2-3 weeks...so, adding in a couple of urgent care trips (where I drop the kids off at the hourly child care play center out in town)...all I've done is buckle the kids in their car seats.

Now that my ankles are better (whew!...serious pain there) we've had some more down time at the house. We miss daddy...but are very glad that the house is staying a little more picked up and the amount of laundry is cut in thirds :-) Also, the dishwasher looks like a sippy cup parade...anyone else have that?

So, it's Thursday, and we're glad to be back to our 'normal' routine. :-)

Now, another thing I'm guilty of...and am not sure I want to admit...not sure I will right now. All I'll say is:
For the love of all that is correct lighting; appealing poses; sweet smooth skin; subject catching photographs; expressive familial love; correct lighting (emphasized); artistic pleasantness....do NOT go to sears/penney's/portrait innovations for "portraits". It will make me mad...not because I didn't get your business, but because the photos suffered...and these are ones that will last a lifetime. Go to someone who knows their camera. Someone who only does photographs. Not someone who is paid by the hour. Make sure you end up with portraits that you want to look at...for a lifetime. The. End. (yes, I have personally learned this the hard way)

Have a great week!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Haven't Seen You in Two Months!

Ok, Ok....lots has been happening; thus, I haven't had time to blog! I'm just going to give a brief, point-by-point synopsis of our past couple of months.

Well, Dad is Dad 2.0! He officially has 3 kidneys, and 2 pancreases....the original set plus an extra kidney and pancreas, just along for the ride...and working...almost great! There are SO many details about his care, but the bottom line is that he's progressing and the anti-rejection druggies are being closely monitored and he's just taking it day by day...getting better all along. SO, still a long way to being fully 'recovered' but he's making progress. If you want the knit and gritty details about his journey, go to Care Pages and search for the user cottontales. His transplant blog will appear and offer you the chance to subscribe. You'll have to enter your email address, but will only get an email when mom or dad posts a new entry (no spam). I was able to get to Birmingham for a few days (kids stayed in NC with Kyle) while Dad was in the hospital. I felt so 'lonely' being only responsible for myself (for the first time in almost 4 years). It was nice to be away for a couple of days, even though I missed the little buggers!

(Oh - right before Dad's operation, some great friends from Birmingham came to visit! We went to Busch Gardens with them and saw the 2010 Cherry Point Air Show! Fabulous weekend!)

So, in the couple of weeks after my quick trip to Bham (got to Bham by driving down to the Atlanta area with my great friend Kelley who was moving to CA that week, then got picked up at the AL/GA line by a family friend...then flew back a few days later - BHM to New Bern, after spending a luxurious evening in the Charlotte airport), I had a couple of photo shoots, took Vivi to the dentist for the first time (horrors!!) and she starting a summer preschool program.

Vivi did NOT do well at the dentist, even though he seemed SO friendly and provided a very child appropriate environment. She was very scared...but the dentist looked at her teeth and poked most of them, so we escaped cavity free and the doctor congratulated us on not giving Vivi fruit juice and candy - said it's awful for the teeth. So, we'll go back in 6 months, and maybe get an official cleaning in. Bryton will be going this time, too....wish me luck!

Speaking of little B, he had his 15 month check and measured in at 90% height, 75% weight, and 50% head circumference. His trends looked good and doc was pleased with everything. It's funny...being the stay at home mom where my kids are not only my kids, but my 'job' as well.  So, the doc says "He's doing great and reaching all milestones just fine" and I hear "You have done a good job at Mommying him. Keep it up." That's always nice to hear :-) Kyle gets performance evaluations all the time, so he always knows where he stands in his job. I don't. When my kids 'fail' (i.e. temper tantrums, not listening, misbehaving, not cooperative, etc) it feels like I have failed, since my job is to take care of them and develop their character, spirit, physical and emotional growth...oh...and keep em' as clean as possible. Sometimes it's like we go for an entire month and I have to just stay on the kids about one thing on another...and it feels like I have failed them and myself and our family. SO, when the doc gives me a good report, it's reassuring. Almost as reassuring as Vivi getting a cup for Bryton when we are on the way out the door, or getting all the clothes out of the dryer and bringing them to the sofa (our folding place), saying prayers for people that she sees are in need of help, or Bryton putting his sippy cup in my purse instead of just throwing it on the floor. Small successes, right?

Anyway...off of that tangent now....So, last week, Kyle suffered from an illness....get-out-of-town-itis. So, we did! We called our good friends (and Kyle's home away from home sponsor family from his days at Annapolis) that live in Myrtle Beach and descended upon them for a couple of days. We went to Ripley's Aquarium, the pool, the Tanger Outlet center, the golf course, and played lots of cards. Great couple of days! We really enjoy 'escaping' to Myrtle Beach, even though our friends probably enjoy the quiet that falls after we leave :-) Thanks for letting us come visit!

As soon as we got back to town, my brother and sister in law came to visit! They stayed in Vivi's room, and Vivi got to sleep in her playhouse - and she loved it! Best part about it was that the playhouse is in the dining room and that room stays dark when the blinds are shut (unlike her bedroom, where the sun shines directly on it, waking her little self as early as the sun rises). So , she slept later than usual, and had wonderful play buddies for a couple of days. It was great! Kyle and I had people to play Wii with in the evenings, and I had people to cook for! Come back soon! (Don't ask about the cooking...no, I don't starve my family..but the kids are ravenously hungry shortly after their afternoon nap..and Kyle doesn't get home until around 6 or so...so I have several frozen options that heat up pretty quickly so I can start it when Kyle is in the car on the way home...I've learned the hard way that you can't count on the "I'm leaving the office in 10 minutes"...some other stinky person he works with finds him and inevitably needs something. )

The playhouse that Vivi slept in

Hm...what else? Oh - Vivi's birthday party! Kyle's gonna be on a top secret misson (not really..just doing some training out of town for a couple of months) and the kids and I are gonna head to Birmingham for a week or two. We don't have definite dates yet - just plan on being there the first week or so of August. We have some good friends and family in Birmingham...and lots of people that would probably want to celebrate her birthday with her. SO, we booked her a party (kid party) at Super Suppers in Vestavia. The kids make their own pizzas, flavor the ice cream, and decorate cupcakes. Vivi's super excited about it. It's also pretty special for us...we don't often get to celebrate her birthday with her cousins and my long time friends' kids. We'll do a party for the 'kids' at Super Suppers and then sometime while we're in town, I'll get a birthday cake and see if any of the the 'adult only' families want to come celebrate then.

I'm also bringing my camera with me....I plan on doing some photo shoots while in town. If you live in Birmingham, let me know if you want pictures. They'll be great! (and, my next big photography business purchase is going to be a laptop - don't you want to contribute :-)!

So, a couple of questions...to homeschool? Or not to homeschool? I'm kind of thinking about it...but would really like to talk to someone who belongs to a homeschool group in New Bern before I make a decision about it. Another debate in the household....cancel cable? We don't watch a lot of tv...and maybe only once a month do we channel surf, trying to find something to entertain us. So, do we cancel? Honestly, my big hold back is football season! I want ESPN and ESPN II at least. Hm...

Well, I hope your summertime quests are fulfilling family times! I know ours will be! More later!

Leanna's Lens Site (just in case you are interested).

Monday, April 19, 2010

This and That...

I know, I know....for you faithful readers, I know it's been quite a while since I've blogged. Never fear - we are still up to our usual 'stuff', but just been pretty busy lately!

After the last post, we headed to Birmingham, AL (where all grandparents and most family live) because my sweet grandaddy, aka Pappy (as Vivi called him) passed away. He had been fighting several things for years, and as he got older, their severity increased. He was very well taken care of through these past few years by his sweet children and their families/my mom, aunts and uncles. He would not have survived as long as he did without their help and his access to the great medical care in Birmingham. I was able to talk to him the week before he passed - not sure how much he heard (hearing has never been his...er...forte...) from me over the phone, but he still sounded like the same old grandaddy...asked about Vivi's cast. We really will miss him! (fyi....Vivi is named for Vivian, Pappy's wife, who was eternally healed on Jan. 4 2002. Coincidently, Jan. 4 2006 was the date I found out I was expecting my Vivi).

So anyway, Kyle was able to take a few days off and drive down to Birmingham with us where we almost go to see all of our families during the short time we were in town. Kyle had to be back at work before I was ready to leave town, so he flew back and the kids and I came back to NC a few days later. With  - Granna! My mom (Granna) decided to drive back with the kids and me to help along the trip (11 hrs in the car)! Thanks to Granna, we now know that Bowser's (Bryton's sleeping buddy) ear can be tied to his blanket, thus keeping him from disappearing into the depths of the Sienna. She flew back to AL the next day after having a sleepover with Vivi (not sure sleeping in bed with a 3 year old talking to you all night qualifies as a sleepover). Oh - and don't let mom tell you that I dehydrated the kids and the dog...we just don't offer extra liquids on 11 hour road trips :-)

Since we've returned, Vivi has gotten her cast off! It wasn't nearly as traumatic as I feared it would have been! She was so brave! Vivi has always been a very timid child...very cautious/scared of things...i.e. she HATED the detangler bottle when I first started using it - was in hysterics when I would spray it on her hair, even though she was covered with a towel and we lived in AZ - not like it was cold; she was terrified of the auto flushing potties (I understand that one) for months!; she goes into hysterics when they went to take her temperature at the dr office (thinking that the probe is a needle); has just recently gotten over being scared to step on the scale at the dr office (again - I understand the fear of the scale...but for a different reason...haha)...so I was just expecting the worst when it was cast removal time. But she was a trooper! Didn't move during the removal, did great during the xrays, and was ready for a sucker treat on the way home. I realize that we have a lot of dr office fears....probably because it is a novelty of sorts... it makes me grateful that she has rarely had to go to the doctor for things other than just check ups. And a broken arm.

I've had a few photo jobs since we returned...all went well...but were all for people I knew. I need to get a 'better' website up and running - my goal is to get that done by the end of May.

Other things? Hm...Bryton has been pretty fussy lately. Just making an awful whining sound. I think it means "Mama...hold me now!" He's taking lots of unassisted steps, but still isn't walking a lot - only when Kyle and I encourage him he'll walk between him and me sitting on opposite sides of the room - but doesn't initiate it by himself. I think he'll be happier once he starts walking fully and gets some upper teeth all the way in. He's got 3 that are almost through - I know they are probably giving him  a hard time. Regardless, I have a hard time carrying a 23 lb 1 year old around in the grocery store while trying to push the cart and get groceries and make sure Vivi doesn't get abducted. He's just going to have to calm himself down. He won't take a pacifier, only rarely sucks his thumb...so I keep plenty of Ritz crackers in my purse as well as a couple of toys. And, we listen to kid songs in the car 90% of the time, so there's always a fun one running around in my head. I constantly find myself singing something to one either V or B a lot. So - any of your New Bernians...please don't give me dirty looks. I know my child is loud. It hurts my ears too. Have you seen the size of his thighs? It's all the Ritz crackers I give him trying to keep him quiet. But my family has to eat. We are not at the store to annoy you but rather to get groceries. I guess annoying you is just a fringe benefit :-)

I think that Bryton is old enough for a little thump when he starts acting up....but I have a difficult time doing that in public. I'm scared that the police are going to show up at my house and arrest me for spanking my child - you never know! A neighbor of mine was in the local grocery store last week and gave her 18 month old a warning of "you need to sit down now or I'm going to pop your leg." An elderly lady walking by looked at her and said "You better not!" Yikes! You just never know who is watching and what might happen! This also reminds me of a day when Mom and I took the kids clothes shopping. I can usually take V and B almost anywhere and expect pretty decent behavior (until B's whining, we could deal with most situations). Well, Mom and I were at a kids clothing store and V was just being ugly! Ugly at me, ugly at the sales lady, etc. Naughty corner wasn't working, so it was time to take her for a spanking. I decided to take her to our car to be a little discreet about it...when I realize that the shopping center we were at had video cameras all over...and I thought it would be best not to tan the hide of a little girl in a pink cast on video. I mean really...never spank a kid with a cast (in public). That is just asking for an investigation. She got a big discreet pinch instead.

Back to B...I kind of like it that B wants me all the time...it's very sweet and it melts my heart...it's just not practical. So, we give him attention when we can, and try to help him learn to distract and soothe himself when he gets whiny. Great skill to have...but we are working on it.

The other day in the car, we are stopped at a red light and as the light turns green, I hear from the back seat in a 3 year old voice "Come on, dude....GOO!" Haha. I guess if that's the worst that she's heard in the car, we are doing okay. Also, she said to Kyle one night, "Obama makes bad decisions." :-) She asks questions constantly, and I try to answer them the best I can. During a discussion about the United States of America and how Daddy fights the bad guys, I started to teach her about people in charge of the country and how they need our prayers so that our nation can go in the direction that would please God. She doesn't fully understand the concept of 'bad decisions' as it relates to her own life, but she's starting to get it. Bad decisions = bad outcomes.

We are really excited about our summer - just trying to get some events scheduled. Here's what we are looking at...swim lessons (maybe 2 weeks...not sure yet), ballet class (2 weeks), Bible school, trip to Birmingham for Vivi's birthday (Kyle will be in Yuma for 7 weeks..we'll head to AL during that time and likely celebrate V's birthday there), and a 4th of July trip somewhere (we've been to Myrtle Beach to see our good friends there for several 4th of July's...but haven't asked to see if they are going to be around that weekend). Also, found out that Vivi's preschool for next year is offering summer classes that you can sign up for a week at a time! That will be a great filler especially when Kyle is in Yuma. We like having a routine!

I'll try to post more consistently - my days just fly by much of the time! Have a great week!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nothing Much...

Well, I had a few minutes this afternoon, so just thought I'd give a quick update. Vivi went to the orthopedic doc again yesterday and they x-rayed her arm and said everything looked good and we should be able to get the cast off in a couple of weeks. I hope so because the dress I want her to wear for Easter (one that mom made me in the 80s) won't fit over her cast and I don't want to try and disassemble it (the dress) to make it fit...don't trust myself that much :-)

Bryton went for his one year check today - he was 31 inches long and weighed 23 lbs - around the 50/75% percentile for both. He's kind of coming down off of his 95% for everything, but doc said that that usually happens b/t 9-18 months, as they get more active. Speaking of active, he's taken a couple of  steps - they aren't pretty, but they are unassisted steps none-the-less. He's getting there. He's been kind of fussy lately - got some congestion and teeth coming in. Doc accounted the fussiness to the teeth coming in. Also, he cried what seemed to be all night long a couple of nights ago; I guess he forgot that after a few weeks old in the Buchina household, mama and daddy leave you to be on your own from 7p-7a (don't come down on me...Vivi was a 12 hr sleeper at 10 weeks...Bryton at 7...I didn't just abandon them in the middle of the night). Anyway, we went in a couple of times because we figured there was something wrong - he never cries at night. Sometimes he'll make 'baby noises,' but if he fusses, the we know there is something amiss. Anyway, we walked in there to find him standing in the crib looking over the edge at Bowser, his sleeping buddy (equivalent to Vivi's Wooly) whom he had dropped on the ground. We picked up Bowser and gave him back. All was quiet for a little while...then he's up fussing again...anyway, I think he had some discomfort due to his teeth and some congestion which woke him up...then losing Bowser over the side of the crib...well...that was just too much for him! Anyway, we made him tough it out once during nap when he lost Bowser over the side of the crib...mama and daddy don't play that game. Vivi never really dropped things off the high chair just to watch us pick them up...we're hoping Bryton doesn't learn that game.

Other than that, we bought a minivan! We got a Toyota Sienna - and it's fabulous! Drives great and makes my life just a little easier (not that my life is hard by any means, but the mini does help simplify some things thus making traveling and loading/unloading from the car easier on me).

Hope everyone is doing well...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Year Ago...

Well, today, one year ago, I was sitting at Dr. Robinett's office (my OB at Brookwood) hearing him tell me "It's time to get this baby out." If you spent any time with me at this time last year, you probably realize how uncomfortable and well, sick, I was. I had been spilling protein for months (sign of decreased kidney function), had 9+ lbs of baby pulling on my lower back, was taking about 5 times the amount of insulin that I am currently, and just felt yucky. So, it might stand to reason that I would have been so glad when Dr. R said that it was time to take B out...that I would have been relieved...and I guess I was to some degree. But the mama part of me just wasn't ready. I was 35 weeks and just wasn't ready to see another of my babies start their life in the NICU. While some of my friends that I'd seen have babies had some problems, the vast majority (90% or more) went to the hospital, had a 7 lb baby several hours later, and came home with their baby a day or two later. Going to the hospital to see my friends after their deliveries would mean walking into a room where mama is sipping on ice water and baby is swaddled comfy in the bassinette right by her bed or all snuggled up on her chest. But at my moment in my doctor's office, I knew that by him saying we had to deliver, it meant that I wouldn't get to have a baby put on my chest right after coming to the world; that I would have another c-section, never have the chance to have a 'natural' delivery; I knew that he would spend his first days learning and struggling to breathe by himself; I knew it would mean that his 'breathe, suck, swallow' instincts would take several days if not weeks to learn; I knew I might not see his eyes until he was several days old. I knew that it meant that I wouldn't be able to hold him until he was a day or so old.  I trusted God through all this, but was always aware that His plan didn't necessarily mean a healthy baby. I had been told by Dr. R that male preterm babies have a harder time that female preterm babies. Vivi was such a superstar when she was born...at 34 weeks. But, I had been given a steroid injection upon my admittance to the hospital (at 32 weeks) to develop her lungs. So I just wasn't sure with Bryton...didn't know how he'd do on his own.

Anyway, fast (fast!) forward to today - we had his birthday party this weekend, he wants to walk really bad (really badly? real bad?), he'd flirt and flash his grin to a pickle jar if it would smile back at him, and is just doing great. He's eating almost everything we eat, enjoys being held, read to, played with, and playing with the dollhouse in Vivi's room when she's away. He's doing great with a sippy cup (water only) and his snack trap (which Lexie loves...the occasional treat hits the floor). He's still nursing a couple of times a day, but getting most of his nutrients from table food.

And me? I've had 2 doctor appointments (check ups) with no protein evidenced, my A1C's are in acceptable diabetic range, and even though I had the eye problems, I recovered from the stress the pregnancy put on my body. The pregnancy weight is gone (has been for a while), even though the shape is not...not sure how that happens...but it's a very small price to pay to have 2 precious little lives gifted to me.

So, thanks to everyone who prayed us through the pregnancy and delivery and first year of B's precious life.

Happy Birthday Bryton!

Friday, February 19, 2010


Well, just a quick note to let you know how excited I am...I hired a nanny!! I know, I know...you are trying to figure out why I need a nanny..? and well, I am too a little. But lately I feel like I've been struggling to be the best mom to my kids. I mean, they are great and all, but I really need a break at times! I mean, I haven't gotten a haircut in months, have taken both kids to the orthodontist with me (love my invisaligns, by the way), various dr. appts with me, etc. Anyway, I hated to even consider having someone come in and help because, I guess, I figured that hiring someone meant that I had failed at being a stay at home mom. But, after talking with some really supportive Christian friends who are in the same boat (being military families, no grandparents around, husbands that work 60+ hrs a week when they aren't deployed, etc), they convinced me that I need to tone down the quest for perfectionism a little and hire a nanny and thus be better in the long run for my kids. So, I did - I got a great recommendation for a sweet girl (woman) who keeps the church nursery at the Bible study I attend. She is now coming to my house on Thursdays from 10-1. I feel like my chains have been cut! So if you see me running around the neighborhood on Thursday mornings (love getting exercise without the stroller), at the grocery store by myself, at the doctor with no kids (and not begging them off on friends), or cleaning the house in an hour (takes about 4 if Vivi and Bryton help), then you'll know why. I'm SO grateful for a supportive group of friends who have been very encouraging about this new routine. I have to admit that I'm still struggling with this decision a little, but know it will be the best for the kids in the long run. (kind of a compromise between getting a full time job in order to get a break from the kids, and just 'sticking it out' and being a basket case every time I have to dress a baby doll...yes, yes, playing dress up with Vivi is fun...but only for the first 100 hours. After that, my brain has turned to mush.)

Also, I decided on a Pre-K program for Vivi for school next year! I toured several places, and found one that I really like! And, I think we are going to start ballet classes for V. I can't believe how quickly time flies - can't believe that this next year is my last year with her before....gulp....kindergarten!

And, my photography business is  very much underway! I'm getting more and more jobs on the calendar and am very excited about it! I've got 3 jobs this weekend :-) That, too, provides my brain a nice break from mommy-dome. I hate to complain about being around the kids so much...but sometimes its just so hard! Stay at home mommying is one thousand times tougher than any job I've ever had...but it's also one thousand times more fulfilling too...I'm glad I have that opportunity. But sheesh - it's killing me!

Anyway, it's 5:00 pm and my hubby is actually at home! Yipee! Fun evening for the Buchinas. Vivi and Bryton are asleep, so it'll be a nice surprise to have Daddy around when they wake up!

I hope my comments about stay at home mommying are clear...I love it and it's the right decision for our family and even though my brain feels like it has turned mushier than the bananas I feed Bryton, and my hair looks as ragged as ....well....Ann and Andy...overall, I  feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to do it.

Have a great week....

Monday, January 25, 2010


Well, a lot has happened since I blogged last, but I just have time for a quick story.

Every month at preschool, Viv's teachers designate a day for birthdays and show and tell. One day each month, the class celebrates the birthdays for the month and then all the kids are invited to participate in show and tell. We get a monthly newsletter that says when this day is going to be. Until recently, I could pretty much stay on top of V's school calendar without having to write anything down. Not anymore.

As this month's show and tell date is approaching, it reminded me of what happened at last month's show and tell time. Vivi takes a backpack with her to school, as do all the kids. Hers is pink with white polka dots and green trim with her name embroidered on it. Pretty cute. Her bag lives in the car - we hardly ever bring it in the house. This bag is where the teachers look for the treasures that the kids have brought in for show and tell. So, in December, I completely forgot about show and tell until after I had dropped her off for school. No big deal though, I figured they would ask her what she had brought, and she would say, "nothing" and they would move on to the next kid in her class. Well, apparently her teacher asked her if she brought something for show and tell and she said YES. So, she gets her bag and unzips it and shows all the kids in her class the spare panties, shirt, and pants that live in her bag (in case of an accident). Her teachers must have gotten a big kick out of this. Anyway, I learned of this when I went to pick her up and Vivi says with a big smile "Mama...I brought panties for show and tell!!"

Anyway, just so that you all are reassured, this month's show and tell time is Jan 27 and is marked on my calendar. No panties this month.

Other news? Well, in a nutshell, Kyle turned 31, Bryton has been crawling for about 3 weeks, and is now holding your fingers while he takes steps, he also has two lower center teeth, our friends Willard and Carol Davis came to visit for the weekend, and my photography business has had several requests for the upcoming months. Oh - and I'm starting to get B a 1st birthday party put together! And, I was talked into doing a Pampered Chef catalog show - I love the products, but couldn't agree to hosting one at the house...but figured I'd help the rep out and host a catalog show. So, let me know if you need anything - if you don't live in New Bern, I'll have it shipped directly to your house.

Also, Vivi's magazine will come out Feb 1. I've requested bunches of copies, so just let me know if you want one. And, our neighborhood has a monthly publication and they are going to do a story about my photography business in the next issue! I'll save a few of those as well. The only bad part is that they want to photograph me for the article...but I want them to use a pic I take (seems only right) and I want it to be of me and my camera...anyone see the dilemma? Oh well - I'll just set up the scene and let them take it with their camera, I guess.

Hope everyone is doing well - I'll try to blog more later.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cold Sweat

So, had an awful dream last night. Woke up very frightened. This is why....

{Following paragraphs is not part of the dream}
Let's go back to May of 2001. Kyle was graduating from USNA. I spent a week or so in Annapolis celebrating this time with him - there were lots of formal parties to attend, fun things to do, etc. It's a great week in Annapolis. Anyway, Kyle's whole family was there celebrating (total count of um...around 15 I guess), hosted by the Davises, the wonderful local Annapolis family who signed up to host a midshipman during his time at the academy - you know, a home-away-from-home situation. On graduation eve, several of us stayed at Kyle's sponsor family's daughter's house.

We had to get up early the morning of graduation. After getting ready, Kyle's oldest sister and I got in his mom's car  {FIRST BRAND NEW CAR} to head to the Davises house to meet up with everyone else. I was driving (for some reason...maybe I knew the way better?) and we aren't 10 feet out of the driveway when -WHACK! I backed into the neighbor's mailbox,  putting a nasty scratch in Kyle's mom's less-than-two-week-old-only-new-car-she-had-ever-gotten.  Uh-oh. Now, keep in mind that I'm 22 years old and had only ever hit one other thing before (a pole on the deck of mom and dad's house - I just turned too sharp trying to avoid hitting the plumber's car that was in the driveway) and was a pretty cautious driver. In my defense, I saw a mailbox out of the rear-view window as I was backing up and didn't hit that one. I hit the one that was about 3 feet from that one...got to love those dueling mailbox situations. Anyway, after hitting the box, I just started shaking - it felt awful. Kyle's sister was SO sweet about it, and in typical big sister fashion, offered to take the blame for it and tell everyone that she was driving. We decided against that...I mean, it's just a car, right? An insured one at that...Anyway, we got to the sponsor's house and Kyle's sister went and told his mom who then told his dad...all this on the morning of Kyle's graduation and commissioning into the Marine Corps...and meeting George W. Bush - who was shaking hands that day at the ceremony. AND, it's raining - so, should the outdoor festivities get cancelled due to weather, the rain plan would only allow each midshipman to have like 4 tickets to graduation. The next couple of hours were a blur. I didn't get screamed at or anything....but I knew Kyle's mom and dad were just so sad...not mad at me, but just sad about the dent/scratch in the only-brand-new-car-she'd-ever-had. Kyle and I weren't talking marriage at that point, but I still really wanted to make a good impression on his family.  Banging the new car with his sister in it was NOT the route to go.

 Once everyone was back in Alabama, they got the car fixed (I think the trunk lid had to be replaced) and I paid their insurance deductible. All was well. Anyway, even though his mom still has that car, I haven't been behind the driver's seat since.

So, several years later, Kyle's dad decided to buy himself a car. I think he test drove cars for about a year before deciding on one to buy. He bought a BMW 7 series....not sure of the exact specs, but a nice sleek car that he was very pleased with. This car is not allowed to go to Lowes, Home Depot, or Wal-Mart - too many careless people there. It has made the trip to Texas and North Carolina to visit us though. There is also no eating in the car, although I think my mom was allowed to put on lipstick in it once. :-)

Here comes the dream part. I dreamt last night that we were at Kyle's parent's house and for some reason, I had to move the BMW, or drive it somewhere. While cautiously moving it, my foot was pressing the brake, but it wasn't responding. I was trying to shift out of reverse, but the brake wasn't responding to the pressure, so I'm slowly rolling (with several people standing in the front yard yelling "STOP") towards Kyle's mom's car, parked in front of the house. And yes, I hit the car. That's about when I woke up...but thank goodness - what a scary dream! I banged up both cars in front of everyone!

Anyway, I also had another crazy dream last night about a zoo allowing people to play on the cougar's playground and Vivi and her friend Marlyse being out of site from the moms....which wasn't such a big deal, until one of the cougar's starting acting aggressively and one of the zoo employees saying that they didn't feed the cats that morning. Anyway, we found both the girls and ended up being safe. That dream wasn't as scary as the car one though....I think probably because as I was dreaming about the big cats and their people playground, I knew...KNEW...that there was no chance of that being reality, where as the car one was a lot closer to being real....

I was just glad I woke up and they were both dreams. Hopefully I'll have some sweeter ones tonight!

I wish you safe driving and safe playing...especially if you have cats!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well, I decided to promote my photography a little bit by creating a website. If you'd like to view, just go to LBLens.blogspot.com . I can't say that my business has an official name yet...all the names (domains) I like are taken. But I'm working on it. I think that if you told someone...."Oh yeah...Leanna Buchina took these pictures...her website is leannabuchinaphotography.com" then there's a high chance that there will be an awful misspelling. So I know I need to go with something simpler.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the site! I know it's pretty low key, but I think it's a good starting point. Enjoy!

Oh - and at Bryton's well check today, he was 21.2 pounds (75th percentile) and 30.5 inches long (97th percentile). He's doing well! If you've seen dropshots or our facebook post, his hives are doing better - the benadryl might be bothering his tummy some. He and Vivi both got the H1N1 vaccine today. I've decided that Dad is on shot duty next time. :-) Gotta jet!