Monday, May 4, 2009

Random Thoughts

Well, I don't have anything too intersting to say, but I did want to share some opinions/thoughts/etc. Nothing of importance, just fun stuff.

First, for the grandparents, an update on the kids. They are doing okay. Vivi will have a few days where she's just too sweet. Then, she'll have a few days where she wants to argue about everything. Typical for the age I guess? I've realized that I'm not going to win the arguments - so I just smile and nod and punish her when needed. She's tried to get into Bryton's swing a few times, but I'm afraid her 30+ lbs will make it collapse on her. So, she got a spanking (Don't call child protective services on me) this morning for that. She knows that she's not supposed to get in it, but her desires just take over her actions and she knows she'll get punished, but the punishment is worth the crime to her. Sometimes I wish I could just wrap her in bubble wrap and take her somewhere where you don't have to worry about safety and you don't have to tell her "no."

She associates wearing dresses with being a princess. She wants to be a princess every day (wearing a dress). It wouldn't be a problem, but sometimes when she goes to the potty, she doesn't lift her dress up far enough and the back drips in the water. Then there's potty water on her dress and I have to change her clothes. So, as much as I like the dresses and would love to have her wear them every day, I try to have a few days a week of tops and bottoms vs. dresses to avoid the potty water situation. Although this may not totally remedy the potty water problem; the other day, she called for me to come in the bathroom after she was done (I still go in and help her pull toilet paper off the roll) and she was sitting on the potty lowering her cheeks into the freshly used potty water. She delightedly tells me that her hiney is wet as she bounces her cheeks up and down in the water. Oh well.

Bryton is doing well - just being a baby. He's been in a good routine now; still not sleeping through the night, but getting there. He eats every 4 hours during the day (Usually at 10, 2, 6, and 10) and then he goes to bed and sleeps until 5 or 5:30. When he's done eating then, I put him back down and he sleeps until I get him up. On preschool mornings, I get him up and change him, take Vivi to school, come back home and feed him. It's nice that he doesn't have to eat the second he wakes up. Maybe that will last? He's awake more and more, so it's nice to interact with him while his eyes are open.

Now for some thoughts. Have you seen the Best Buy commercial that first aired a few months ago? It's the one where an employee is saying how Best Buy goes the extra mile in taking care of their customers and talks about a Geek Squad person setting up a TV for a blind customer, and how he was so helpful for the blind man and showed him how to use the remote. I mean, I'm sure blind people enjoy hearing the television almost as much as seeing people enjoy watching it...but I thought it was a little bit of a stretch for this ad. Anyone agree? Kyle and I still laugh when it comes on. However, we haven't seen it in a while. Maybe they are working on their next ad; showing a deaf person how to use an Ipod.

Other thoughts; Reality TV. Here are my thoughts about this weeks's shows. It may seem like I watch a lot of tv; but when you are sitting on the couch nursing your baby for 4 hours a day, you start to find more things to record so you can play them during feeding times. I see daily episodes of Jeopardy and the Wheel. Here are my weekly favs. MONDAY: Dancing with the Stars. I just started watching this a week or two ago, after I found out that Melissa Rycroft from the Bachelor (and CMT's Making the Team - the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader tryouts) was a contender. She's my favorite and I hope she wins. I'm glad that the bachelor dumped her - she's way too good for him. TUESDAY: American Idol - I like Kris the best, but like Danny too. This is another show I didn't start watching until about a month ago. I hope Kris wins, but regardless I think he and Danny have futures in the biz. Biggest Loser - I have mixed feelings. I used to like Ron and Mike - the brown team, father/son. But Ron seems too sneaky for me - I like either Tara (green team) or Helen (pink team) to win. I like Mike okay, but Ron, his dad, is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. I can't think of any other reality shows that I am into right now. I thoroughly enjoy weekly episodes of The Office and Lost. Lost is filmed in Hawaii. I asked Kyle if he wanted to go there. He said yes. I asked him what he could do to get stationed there. Not much that doesn't include an awful deployment factor. Oh well.

Those are all the thoughts I have for the day. Hope you all are doing well!

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