Friday, May 29, 2009

Weekly Happenings

Well, this week was a little different than most. The big thing was a trip from Grandma (Kyle's mom)! She visited with us on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. We went to the beach, the park, and the Cow Cafe, Vivi's favorite place to eat. The kids had a great time and greatly benefited from having someone other than me to look at. Vivi's ready for Kyle to be home, although I think he's been gone long enough for her to be officially mad at him for leaving. She hides her face when he calls now. She still talks to him some though, and I know she'll forgive him for leaving as soon as he comes home (hopefully just a little over a week left).

This was also Vivi's last week of school! She'll start back again in September. They had a water party, so Vivi got to wear her swimsuit to school, which she thoroughly enjoyed. She really enjoys playing in the water, and I wish I could figure out how to let her play outside more. It's just tough trying to figure out how to keep Bryton settled while she's outside. She can't go outside by herself (nor does she like to play alone) and he's awake more and more these days, so I can't just leave him inside sleeping to go play outside with her. He takes frequent naps during the day, but not long stretched out ones, just 30 minutes here and there. We have a lot of ants in our yard, so I hate to put him on a blanket in the grass. Plus, the mosquitoes here are awful. Yuck. So anyway, we feel kind of trapped sometimes. Oh well...I'm working on the juggling act and will get it down pat one of these days. I have a feeling his naps will become more consistent soon so she and I will be able to spend some time outside.

Here's a little update on Vivi's behavior. Which punishments work, which ones don't, etc. The naughty corner (aka time out) has been pretty effective for us. Spankings work sometimes, other times they don't. Sometimes a little pinch in the store will help her listen better, sometimes it doesn't. But, the Store People threat has worked every time, so far. Here's how it happened. We were walking through Target and were near the toilet paper display. They have a wall that's lined with roll after roll of toilet paper and paper towel rolls. The cardboard tubes that the paper is rolled around sit on the shelf, holding their roll of toilet paper, and wrapped in plastic. Well the plastic shows the rolls, and the hole in the center of the cardboard tube is just too tempting for a little girl to keep her finger from poking through the plastic. I saw her poke a couple of holes in the plastic and told her that the store people would not be happy with that behavior because it destroyed the packaging, making other people not want to buy it. For whatever reason, she became very interested in these "store people" and started asking questions about what she could do to make them happy. So, I told her that we would have to keep our hands to ourselves, and they would be pretty happy about that. Anyway, it's worked ever since. If she looks like she wants to climb on the shelves in the store, or mess around with items, etc, I just ask her if I need to call the store people. She stops every time.

We are headed to the Farmer's Market tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to find some blueberries and strawberries. Have a great week!

Monday, May 25, 2009


On my previous post, I was blogging about things that I loved as part of a Kreativ Blogger Award that was passed on. The award only calls for 7 entries (I had 8 listed), but I have more to write about, so here goes. Also, the award calls for you to write about things you love. I think I'm going to change it to things you enjoy, rather than love. Here goes.

9. Graffiti Chic is a great company where you can get custom made vinyl lettering to put on your walls, picture frames, canvas boards, etc. It is easily removable from walls by using a hair dryer. Here is what I have around the house.

The "Love Lives Here" is the Graffiti that hangs above a giant picture frame that holds 18 5 x 7 photos.

This hangs in Vivi's room. The Graffiti is the white decorative monogram that is on a piece of wood that Kyle routed and painted and hung in her room.

We had this one done - it's 2 Graffiti prints. One says "Buchina" and one says "our family is forever." We mounted these on a piece of glass inside a frame. Then, hung it on the wall.

The baby blue Graffiti is on 3 7 x 7 canvas boards that we painted navy blue. I haven't hung these in Bryton's nautical themed room yet, but I will soon.

So, be sure to check out their site should you want to have anything created. They are great with helping come up with design ideas too.

10. Rollercoasters. I have loved rollercoasters for as long as I can remember. My parents might disagree with you on this. I'm sure there was a time when I was very young that I did not enjoy them. And, I do remember that mom and I would get ice cream at Opryland while Dad and Evan, my brother, went to ride the Wabash Cannonball. I didn't ride it because it went upside down. Plus, the ice cream was a huge treat for an 8 year old diabetic. So, I never minded not riding it. I also never rode the Z Force at Six Flags in Atlanta, GA. It didn't seem fun. Plus, someone died after riding it! I did ride the Ninja there, and it was fun, but my neck was sore afterwards. Other than that, I can't remember not thoroughly enjoying a coaster. The last time I was on one was over 2 years ago at Disneyland. We went for Thanksgiving with some friends. Vivi was 3 months old and couldn't ride anything (well, she rode the Mark Twain riverboat with us) so Kyle would stay with Vivi and let me ride a coaster throughout the day. It wasn't the same riding it without a buddy, though. Anyway, maybe there's a Busch Gardends trip in our near future. I can't wait until the kids are old enough to enjoy them as much as I do. However, by then, I might not be able to hack the Great American Scream Machine...(great 2x4 coaster at Six Flags in Atlanta, GA).

11. Biznos. That is how Vivi says "Quiznos." It's pretty cute. "Mama...I want to go to Biznos."

12. Empty Laundry Baskets (and no piles of clothes waiting to be folded). Who doesn't love that! With Kyle in Arizona this month, our laundry has been very minimal. So, I've had empty laundry baskets more often than usual.

13. Surprises. Planning and giving them, receiving them, doesn't matter. It's fun!

As much as I would like to continue my list, that's all I have time for right now.

More entries later!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kreative Blogger Award

Ok, it's about time I did this. I got this blogger award from my cousin, Meredith .
Here are the rules for the award.

1. When given the award, you write about seven things that you love.
2. Pass the award to seven bloggers that you love, and be sure to tag them and let them know they've won. (You can copy the award and post it on your sideboard.)

Like Meredith, I too am going to 'cheat' and skip over the things that are probably obvious to everyone who reads my blog: Our Savior, Family, and Friends. I have been so blessed throughout my life, couldn't ask for a better family, and have friends who's thoughtfulness and generosity are truly remarkable. So, here goes with the rest. Keep in mind that these aren't the Top 7 things other than the afore mention that I love, but mainly things I've thought about this week. In random order:

1. Diet Coke. Cold, and in a can. I try to drink water as the main beverage of choice, but really do enjoy an ice cold diet coke. With Kyle in Arizona this month, I treated myself to a purchase of a 12 pack of cans, instead of the 2 liter. They were on sale at Wal-Mart for 2.98, and even though I don't get them unless they are 2. 50 or less per 12 pack, I pampered myself with this indulgent treat. I look forward to drinking one every morning.

2. An Organized Closet. I have my clothes organized by season, like clothing articles together, and by color. So, if I'm feeling 'pink' one day, I just look in the pink section. The only problem with this recently has been that I'm still not fitting into all of my pre-pregnancy clothes. The scale says that I have about another 7 - 8 pounds to go, but as many of you know, the scale can be at your pre-pregnancy number, but things just shift around and don't resume their normal shape for a while. We're working on it.

3. Spring Skirts. From any of you who know me, especially in Yuma, AZ, you probably saw me pulling out my floral exciting trendy spring skirt collection starting in February. I love wearing a fun skirt in the spring and summer. I probably have about 15 that were in rotation last spring. I have a few that fit now, but see item #2 to see why they aren't all in rotation now. Colors don't really matter; I have red, pink, white, purple, orange, navy blue, light blue, green, etc. They all hit below the knee. Well, I guess I have a couple that hit right above the knee. I'm always on the lookout for more.

4. Photographing my Kids. I have a hobby of taking pictures. My ultimate goal is to master my camera so that getting correct exposure in any lighting situation is just second nature. I'm not there yet, but working on it slowly. I am still scared of full manual mode in my camera, but am slowly experimenting with it. I really do love taking pics of the kids. However, it's tough to be the mom and the photographer at the same time (making sure nobody runs into the road, steps in an ant bed, sits on her brother, etc). So, we do what we can. The Botanical Gardens in Birmingham is a great place to take candid shots. SO pretty! I haven't found a magical spot here in NC yet. I'm working on it. We have a pretty yard, so that's where most of my outdoor ones come from.

5. Scrapbooking. I enjoy documenting our lives, and hope that the kids and grand kids will appreciate my efforts one day. Right now, I am over a year behind- just started scrapping December of 2007. But, I'm feeling very scrappish, so am hoping in the next couple of months I will get caught up. It might help if I stop taking pictures! HA!

6. Fresh Pineapple. I love fresh pineapple and watermelon and love that it's the season for it now. Canned pineapple is good, but nothing beats the real thing.

7. Getting Flowers. My husband will probably argue about this, because I always tell him not to get me any for any occasion. He has a tendency to go overboard, so I would rather him spend a little on flowers and we can put the rest to another use somewhere. Say, some princess cut diamond earrings? Hint hint? But, I really do love having fresh flowers in a vase. Tulips and lilies are my favorites.

8. (Yes, I know that only 7 are required, but I'm going to keep going). Military Homecomings. I know that the war isn't highly publicized these days, and I think that it's a shame because I don't get the feeling that our marines are supported to the extent that they deserve. I think that people have made it too political and use what they can find against these brave men and women. Kyle has amazing stories of things he saw in Iraq about the good that they were doing for humanity. But, do you hear that on the news? No, all you hear about whether or not a soldier's actions were self defense or just murdering of 'innocent' citizens, or whether Nancy Pelosi knew about water boarding at the aptly dubbed Club Gitmo (that, by the way, was successful in preventing a nuclear attack on LA), or how much money the war has cost (hm..lets look at reckless government spending that's destroying the capitalism that, for now, we are living in?). Ok, ok, I'm back on track now. I just love the excitement and wealth of emotion that comes at a military homecoming. I've been to several, both when Kyle has returned, and when friends families are reuniting after 6-12 months of separation. These guys have been to war, and are returning to their home, the country that they've devoted their lives to protecting. Anyway, military homecomings are one of my favorite times. Harrier homecomings are great, too. You hear the roar of the planes and when they land, usually 2-4 in a row, and then they pull into their parking spot and jump out, all stinky and sweaty (from a multi hour flight) and hair a mess from the helmets, and their little ones are running as fast as they can on the flight deck, realizing in disbelief, that that is, in fact, daddy getting out of the plane. Here are some pics that I had easy access to.

Anyway, that's all I have for ya. Hope this list lets you know me a little better. The 7 people that I am giving this award to are Becky F., Sarah P., Lindsay K., Alice A., Amy W., Rebecca M., and Michele B. Congrats, and Blog Away!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Peaceful Afternoon

Well, I have a moment with both little ones snoozing at the moment, so I figured I'd write a little bit. I have won an award - a blogging one, presented by my cousin Meredith. Part of the rules state that upon receiving this award, you have to blog about 7 things you love. As anticipated as all you 5 faithful readers are, I am going to put you off until next post. This post will be about our week.

There's nothing too noteworthy about this week. Just same old, same old. Vivi is doing better at staying in bed. That's nice. Its hard to be your best at daily mama life when you wake up 8 times during the 7 hours that you are in bed at night. Hm...what else to say...Vivi has started being shy when I drop her off at school...she lies down in the hall outside her room instead of going into see her teacher and the other kids. I'm not sure what that's about..especially since when I come to pick her up at the end of the school day, she sees me and then runs and hides in the bathroom. There are only 4 school days left this year. :-(

I signed Vivi and me up for a mother-daughter tap class, taught on base. Our first class is tonight. Hopefully it will go well. I just can't wait to dress her in her clothes - black leotard, pink tights, and black tap shoes. Too cute!! I'll take pictures.

TV updates: I'm glad that Kris Allen is in the American Idol finale. I wish he and Danny were the finalists, but even though he's not my style, I think that Adam is talented. Biggest Loser - so glad that Jerry won the 'at home' challenge. Not too thrilled with Princess BubbleYum defeating Tara and Mike, but good for her nonetheless. The Lost season finale was last night - good episode. Will we have to wait until next February again to see what happens next? Dancing with the Stars favorite Melissa is still in the competition! yay! I have to say that I am not a fan of Eastern time zone. It kills me that nothing starts until 8 and isn't over until 11! Sheesh - a girl's gotta sleep! Thank goodness for DVR. That's an enjoyable part about 4am feedings - finishing the shows that you recorded the night before.

I guess I better sign off. I need to get everybody ready for tap class! Can't wait!

Monday, May 11, 2009

2 Months

Bryton is 2 months old today! I can't believe how big he is getting and what a little person he is becoming. He has great facial expressions now, and in the past week he has started smiling at me. He goes in for his 2 month check up in a couple of days - I bet he's gained a bunch of weight. He's already outgrown some of his clothes; I had forgotten how quickly they grow out of things at this age. He's wearing size 1 diapers, but I won't buy any more size 1s. The brand of diaper that I'm using (Pampers Swaddlers) come in a size 1-2, I suppose it is like a half size. I bought a box of 1-2s at Sams over a month ago. At the time, I thought it was a half and half box - half size 1s, and half size 2s. They were a great price, so I got a huge box. Come to find out, they are the 1-2 size. Is that too much information about the purchase of diapers? Another milestone, other than the smiling and the new diaper size, is that for the first time, he made it all the way through his bath without crying! That is a first! He never minding it too much, but would fuss (not scream, but fuss) throughtout the bath. But, tonight, he did the whole thing - bath, drying off, and getting dressed with no tears. His hair is getting a little lighter and I think he looks like Vivi did at this age. See for yourselves:

Vivi at 3 months:

Bryton at 2 months:

Other than that, we are settling into a good routine...somewhat. Bryton eats every 4 hours during the day...9am, 1pm, 5pm, and 9pm. These are rough times, mind you. I give Vivi a bath around 7 and then put her down. Then after some clean up, it's time for Bryton's bath, around 8:15. Then some more clean up, then I feed him, then put him to bed. He sleeps until around 4 or 5, and I feed him again, then put him down. Then, Vivi gets up around 7. I've started locking Vivi in her room at night - she started getting up several times during the night and refusing to stay in bed. So, I lock her door when I put her down. I unlock it before I go to bed so she can get out in the morning. But, when she's fighting going to sleep and wants to come out and play 8 times, she can't. Don't turn me into child protective services.

Have a great week!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Random Thoughts

Well, I don't have anything too intersting to say, but I did want to share some opinions/thoughts/etc. Nothing of importance, just fun stuff.

First, for the grandparents, an update on the kids. They are doing okay. Vivi will have a few days where she's just too sweet. Then, she'll have a few days where she wants to argue about everything. Typical for the age I guess? I've realized that I'm not going to win the arguments - so I just smile and nod and punish her when needed. She's tried to get into Bryton's swing a few times, but I'm afraid her 30+ lbs will make it collapse on her. So, she got a spanking (Don't call child protective services on me) this morning for that. She knows that she's not supposed to get in it, but her desires just take over her actions and she knows she'll get punished, but the punishment is worth the crime to her. Sometimes I wish I could just wrap her in bubble wrap and take her somewhere where you don't have to worry about safety and you don't have to tell her "no."

She associates wearing dresses with being a princess. She wants to be a princess every day (wearing a dress). It wouldn't be a problem, but sometimes when she goes to the potty, she doesn't lift her dress up far enough and the back drips in the water. Then there's potty water on her dress and I have to change her clothes. So, as much as I like the dresses and would love to have her wear them every day, I try to have a few days a week of tops and bottoms vs. dresses to avoid the potty water situation. Although this may not totally remedy the potty water problem; the other day, she called for me to come in the bathroom after she was done (I still go in and help her pull toilet paper off the roll) and she was sitting on the potty lowering her cheeks into the freshly used potty water. She delightedly tells me that her hiney is wet as she bounces her cheeks up and down in the water. Oh well.

Bryton is doing well - just being a baby. He's been in a good routine now; still not sleeping through the night, but getting there. He eats every 4 hours during the day (Usually at 10, 2, 6, and 10) and then he goes to bed and sleeps until 5 or 5:30. When he's done eating then, I put him back down and he sleeps until I get him up. On preschool mornings, I get him up and change him, take Vivi to school, come back home and feed him. It's nice that he doesn't have to eat the second he wakes up. Maybe that will last? He's awake more and more, so it's nice to interact with him while his eyes are open.

Now for some thoughts. Have you seen the Best Buy commercial that first aired a few months ago? It's the one where an employee is saying how Best Buy goes the extra mile in taking care of their customers and talks about a Geek Squad person setting up a TV for a blind customer, and how he was so helpful for the blind man and showed him how to use the remote. I mean, I'm sure blind people enjoy hearing the television almost as much as seeing people enjoy watching it...but I thought it was a little bit of a stretch for this ad. Anyone agree? Kyle and I still laugh when it comes on. However, we haven't seen it in a while. Maybe they are working on their next ad; showing a deaf person how to use an Ipod.

Other thoughts; Reality TV. Here are my thoughts about this weeks's shows. It may seem like I watch a lot of tv; but when you are sitting on the couch nursing your baby for 4 hours a day, you start to find more things to record so you can play them during feeding times. I see daily episodes of Jeopardy and the Wheel. Here are my weekly favs. MONDAY: Dancing with the Stars. I just started watching this a week or two ago, after I found out that Melissa Rycroft from the Bachelor (and CMT's Making the Team - the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader tryouts) was a contender. She's my favorite and I hope she wins. I'm glad that the bachelor dumped her - she's way too good for him. TUESDAY: American Idol - I like Kris the best, but like Danny too. This is another show I didn't start watching until about a month ago. I hope Kris wins, but regardless I think he and Danny have futures in the biz. Biggest Loser - I have mixed feelings. I used to like Ron and Mike - the brown team, father/son. But Ron seems too sneaky for me - I like either Tara (green team) or Helen (pink team) to win. I like Mike okay, but Ron, his dad, is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. I can't think of any other reality shows that I am into right now. I thoroughly enjoy weekly episodes of The Office and Lost. Lost is filmed in Hawaii. I asked Kyle if he wanted to go there. He said yes. I asked him what he could do to get stationed there. Not much that doesn't include an awful deployment factor. Oh well.

Those are all the thoughts I have for the day. Hope you all are doing well!