Monday, May 11, 2009

2 Months

Bryton is 2 months old today! I can't believe how big he is getting and what a little person he is becoming. He has great facial expressions now, and in the past week he has started smiling at me. He goes in for his 2 month check up in a couple of days - I bet he's gained a bunch of weight. He's already outgrown some of his clothes; I had forgotten how quickly they grow out of things at this age. He's wearing size 1 diapers, but I won't buy any more size 1s. The brand of diaper that I'm using (Pampers Swaddlers) come in a size 1-2, I suppose it is like a half size. I bought a box of 1-2s at Sams over a month ago. At the time, I thought it was a half and half box - half size 1s, and half size 2s. They were a great price, so I got a huge box. Come to find out, they are the 1-2 size. Is that too much information about the purchase of diapers? Another milestone, other than the smiling and the new diaper size, is that for the first time, he made it all the way through his bath without crying! That is a first! He never minding it too much, but would fuss (not scream, but fuss) throughtout the bath. But, tonight, he did the whole thing - bath, drying off, and getting dressed with no tears. His hair is getting a little lighter and I think he looks like Vivi did at this age. See for yourselves:

Vivi at 3 months:

Bryton at 2 months:

Other than that, we are settling into a good routine...somewhat. Bryton eats every 4 hours during the day...9am, 1pm, 5pm, and 9pm. These are rough times, mind you. I give Vivi a bath around 7 and then put her down. Then after some clean up, it's time for Bryton's bath, around 8:15. Then some more clean up, then I feed him, then put him to bed. He sleeps until around 4 or 5, and I feed him again, then put him down. Then, Vivi gets up around 7. I've started locking Vivi in her room at night - she started getting up several times during the night and refusing to stay in bed. So, I lock her door when I put her down. I unlock it before I go to bed so she can get out in the morning. But, when she's fighting going to sleep and wants to come out and play 8 times, she can't. Don't turn me into child protective services.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Um, yeah, they look EXACTLY alike! Check out today's post. I gave you an award.
