Thursday, May 14, 2009

Peaceful Afternoon

Well, I have a moment with both little ones snoozing at the moment, so I figured I'd write a little bit. I have won an award - a blogging one, presented by my cousin Meredith. Part of the rules state that upon receiving this award, you have to blog about 7 things you love. As anticipated as all you 5 faithful readers are, I am going to put you off until next post. This post will be about our week.

There's nothing too noteworthy about this week. Just same old, same old. Vivi is doing better at staying in bed. That's nice. Its hard to be your best at daily mama life when you wake up 8 times during the 7 hours that you are in bed at night. Hm...what else to say...Vivi has started being shy when I drop her off at school...she lies down in the hall outside her room instead of going into see her teacher and the other kids. I'm not sure what that's about..especially since when I come to pick her up at the end of the school day, she sees me and then runs and hides in the bathroom. There are only 4 school days left this year. :-(

I signed Vivi and me up for a mother-daughter tap class, taught on base. Our first class is tonight. Hopefully it will go well. I just can't wait to dress her in her clothes - black leotard, pink tights, and black tap shoes. Too cute!! I'll take pictures.

TV updates: I'm glad that Kris Allen is in the American Idol finale. I wish he and Danny were the finalists, but even though he's not my style, I think that Adam is talented. Biggest Loser - so glad that Jerry won the 'at home' challenge. Not too thrilled with Princess BubbleYum defeating Tara and Mike, but good for her nonetheless. The Lost season finale was last night - good episode. Will we have to wait until next February again to see what happens next? Dancing with the Stars favorite Melissa is still in the competition! yay! I have to say that I am not a fan of Eastern time zone. It kills me that nothing starts until 8 and isn't over until 11! Sheesh - a girl's gotta sleep! Thank goodness for DVR. That's an enjoyable part about 4am feedings - finishing the shows that you recorded the night before.

I guess I better sign off. I need to get everybody ready for tap class! Can't wait!

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