Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kreative Blogger Award

Ok, it's about time I did this. I got this blogger award from my cousin, Meredith .
Here are the rules for the award.

1. When given the award, you write about seven things that you love.
2. Pass the award to seven bloggers that you love, and be sure to tag them and let them know they've won. (You can copy the award and post it on your sideboard.)

Like Meredith, I too am going to 'cheat' and skip over the things that are probably obvious to everyone who reads my blog: Our Savior, Family, and Friends. I have been so blessed throughout my life, couldn't ask for a better family, and have friends who's thoughtfulness and generosity are truly remarkable. So, here goes with the rest. Keep in mind that these aren't the Top 7 things other than the afore mention that I love, but mainly things I've thought about this week. In random order:

1. Diet Coke. Cold, and in a can. I try to drink water as the main beverage of choice, but really do enjoy an ice cold diet coke. With Kyle in Arizona this month, I treated myself to a purchase of a 12 pack of cans, instead of the 2 liter. They were on sale at Wal-Mart for 2.98, and even though I don't get them unless they are 2. 50 or less per 12 pack, I pampered myself with this indulgent treat. I look forward to drinking one every morning.

2. An Organized Closet. I have my clothes organized by season, like clothing articles together, and by color. So, if I'm feeling 'pink' one day, I just look in the pink section. The only problem with this recently has been that I'm still not fitting into all of my pre-pregnancy clothes. The scale says that I have about another 7 - 8 pounds to go, but as many of you know, the scale can be at your pre-pregnancy number, but things just shift around and don't resume their normal shape for a while. We're working on it.

3. Spring Skirts. From any of you who know me, especially in Yuma, AZ, you probably saw me pulling out my floral exciting trendy spring skirt collection starting in February. I love wearing a fun skirt in the spring and summer. I probably have about 15 that were in rotation last spring. I have a few that fit now, but see item #2 to see why they aren't all in rotation now. Colors don't really matter; I have red, pink, white, purple, orange, navy blue, light blue, green, etc. They all hit below the knee. Well, I guess I have a couple that hit right above the knee. I'm always on the lookout for more.

4. Photographing my Kids. I have a hobby of taking pictures. My ultimate goal is to master my camera so that getting correct exposure in any lighting situation is just second nature. I'm not there yet, but working on it slowly. I am still scared of full manual mode in my camera, but am slowly experimenting with it. I really do love taking pics of the kids. However, it's tough to be the mom and the photographer at the same time (making sure nobody runs into the road, steps in an ant bed, sits on her brother, etc). So, we do what we can. The Botanical Gardens in Birmingham is a great place to take candid shots. SO pretty! I haven't found a magical spot here in NC yet. I'm working on it. We have a pretty yard, so that's where most of my outdoor ones come from.

5. Scrapbooking. I enjoy documenting our lives, and hope that the kids and grand kids will appreciate my efforts one day. Right now, I am over a year behind- just started scrapping December of 2007. But, I'm feeling very scrappish, so am hoping in the next couple of months I will get caught up. It might help if I stop taking pictures! HA!

6. Fresh Pineapple. I love fresh pineapple and watermelon and love that it's the season for it now. Canned pineapple is good, but nothing beats the real thing.

7. Getting Flowers. My husband will probably argue about this, because I always tell him not to get me any for any occasion. He has a tendency to go overboard, so I would rather him spend a little on flowers and we can put the rest to another use somewhere. Say, some princess cut diamond earrings? Hint hint? But, I really do love having fresh flowers in a vase. Tulips and lilies are my favorites.

8. (Yes, I know that only 7 are required, but I'm going to keep going). Military Homecomings. I know that the war isn't highly publicized these days, and I think that it's a shame because I don't get the feeling that our marines are supported to the extent that they deserve. I think that people have made it too political and use what they can find against these brave men and women. Kyle has amazing stories of things he saw in Iraq about the good that they were doing for humanity. But, do you hear that on the news? No, all you hear about whether or not a soldier's actions were self defense or just murdering of 'innocent' citizens, or whether Nancy Pelosi knew about water boarding at the aptly dubbed Club Gitmo (that, by the way, was successful in preventing a nuclear attack on LA), or how much money the war has cost (hm..lets look at reckless government spending that's destroying the capitalism that, for now, we are living in?). Ok, ok, I'm back on track now. I just love the excitement and wealth of emotion that comes at a military homecoming. I've been to several, both when Kyle has returned, and when friends families are reuniting after 6-12 months of separation. These guys have been to war, and are returning to their home, the country that they've devoted their lives to protecting. Anyway, military homecomings are one of my favorite times. Harrier homecomings are great, too. You hear the roar of the planes and when they land, usually 2-4 in a row, and then they pull into their parking spot and jump out, all stinky and sweaty (from a multi hour flight) and hair a mess from the helmets, and their little ones are running as fast as they can on the flight deck, realizing in disbelief, that that is, in fact, daddy getting out of the plane. Here are some pics that I had easy access to.

Anyway, that's all I have for ya. Hope this list lets you know me a little better. The 7 people that I am giving this award to are Becky F., Sarah P., Lindsay K., Alice A., Amy W., Rebecca M., and Michele B. Congrats, and Blog Away!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos, Leanna! They always make me cry. Had fun at dinner the other night. Take care of Kel for me, K?
